Are We On God's Side Today?
The title is a very serious question indeed, but especially so for those who call themselves Christians today.
So how does a Christian discern the reality of just where he stands, or whose side he is actually on? We see so-called compelling evidence offered to support many theories today, but where can we actually go to find the real, saving truth?
One sign that is very much with us today is the actual existence of the modern state of Israel in the Middle East. Other signs are catastrophic occurrences throughout the world, far too numerous to mention here. We also cannot help but observe the warfare of militant Islam against America and Israel, because of our foreign policy that supports and favors Israel in all of its goals, essentially. We morally support it, and we materially support it with our very hefty financial support using billions of U. S. taxpayer dollars. Apparently, America loves Israel above all other nations on the planet, it seems even above herself! And it fears Islam, as being antagonistic and militant against its current policies, as has been very apparent by its opposition to the building of a mosque near ground zero. And recently a minister in Florida wanted to set aside a Saturday night to hold a burning event for the Quran. Well, do the sacred Scriptures offer us any deeper insights into the current situation, along with any way through? Where is the sure guidance that we need to take us through such a dangerous minefield as now exists?
If we are wise, we would do well to look beyond all of the external signs and signals to the infallible Word of God itself as contained in the Holy Bible. It is there that real truth is spoken, and not in the words of mere men who think they know, but who really don't know, and but continually lead the nation down a rat hole. It is there, in the sacred Word itself, where the real answers are, and have always been.
Today we hear much from men who claim to know all about Antichrist. But what do the Scriptures have to say about him? Let's take a good look.
Any serious Christian who has a concordance can look up references to him in there. They can be found at I Jo. 2:18, 19 4:1-6, 5:1, 5, and II Jo. 7-10.
So, what do all of these verses tell us about him? Let's see, I Jo. 2:18 tells us that many "antichrists" were already in the world in John's day. I Jo. 4:1-6 reveals to us that the spirit of Antichrist is one which "does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh" (v. 3). Further, such Antichrist spirits are "of the world" (v. 5). In II Jo. 7 he tells us that "a deceiver and an antichrist" is one who does "not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh." So he repeats this very important point, to further emphasize it. Then, words of warning are given for the believers in Christ to abide "in the doctrine of Christ" (v. 9), and not to greet others who do not believe in Christ, lest they share in their "evil deeds" (v. 11). In other words, believers are not to get bogged down with unbelievers. The Gospel of Christ is on the line here, and is far more important than forming relationships and alliances with those who reject Christ.
Wow, doesn't this shed much needed light on the subject of "Antichrist"? Yet, today, the Apostle's words are rejected by modern evangelicals and premillenarians in favor of a different consensus altogether. Today's interpretation of Antichrist sites those nasty, contentious Gentile nations who supposedly will go to war against unbelieving Israel when it reinstates the temple at Jerusalem and another system of animal sacrifices set up in place of Christ, God's Savior who is still rejected by the nation. Today's interpretation says that Christ will return and go to war against these Gentile nations who reject modern Israel's project set up in place of the Savior Himself. Today's interpretation says that such unbelievers are still his chosen people, and not believers, contrary to the actual words of Scripture! (better check out I Cor. 1:2, 15:2; Gal. 6:16; Eph. 1:4,14; Jas. 1:17-18, just for starters!) Today's interpretation says that there is no "synagogue of Satan" (Rev. 2:9, 3:8-13), but only the unbelieving Jews who must always remain the special chosen people of God, contrary to the actual words of Scripture.
It appears that many modern American Christians who have casually and blithely accepted the fables of men and have rejected the actual words of sacred Scripture are justifiably afraid of what may be coming their way, except they repent. Is it that some still small voice within them tells them that they are indeed not on God's side, but on Antichrist's side instead? Is it indeed that they are beginning to realize that they have not done their rightful homework in his Word, but have instead followed the winsome, high sounding words of deceivers?
The days of superficial Christians and Christianity are drawing down to a day of calamity for the apostate nation and its "Christians". It is long overdue time for all real Christians to get seriously busy with God and his Word of truth, and to go deeper in with God than they have currently done. Modern Christians want God to be on their side, and presume that He is, but how can they be on his side when they believe far more in antichrist than they do in Christ? Thus they become disturbed and fearful when some other power threatens their strange beliefs. Will they ever decide that they need to get down to real business with God, or do they just feel that they are far too occupied with other things that they consider more desirable and important?
The command of Christ has never been for Christians to take upon themselves the goals and the agenda of unbelievers, no matter how high sounding these ideas appear. The command of Christ has been to evangelize this world, or lead people to Himself as Savior and Lord. Nor have Christians ever been commanded to get mired down in other terms of warfare against them. Instead, we are to be instant in season and out of season to give a true witness for Christ and the truth in Christ! We are to be salt and light for Jesus! To engage in other projects, such as book burnings, or the denial of their place of worship, falls far short of our higher calling in Jesus Christ. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is far more capable of winning over the pagans, if only those who call themselves Christians would be faithful and follow its commands. But we have taken a serious deviation today away from it into that forbidden area of supporting unbelievers who reject Him on one side, but who have their own agenda for their salvation, just as they did in Paul's day. The whole key to wisdom and understanding is the full realization that the Christ of God has already come in history, and has finished everything to the fullest satisfaction of God and our human need for salvation, for both Jew and Gentile. Our spiritual void is entirely satisfied in Him. To tamper with this reality in any way is to destroy what He has already accomplished on all of our behalfs.
There simply are no other legitimate agendas connected to God or his will. It behooves us to reckon with this completely without any shadow of turning back to the things of this world and their agenda that is separate from Him. To do what many in the church today have done, to go back to supporting unbelieving Judaism, and some future earthly kingdom under whatever unscriptural pretext, has done great damage to the Gospel of Jesus, and it makes them a supporter and partaker with their antichrist rejection of Jesus. It makes them a supporter and partaker with evil. Their futurizing of much of prophecy that has already been fulfilled in history has led them into the crooked way that they are now embarked on today. Indeed, they have now become the slaves of antichrist unbelievers in the modern state of Israel. They have exchanged the truth for the lie (Ro. 1:25) that Satan gladly uses to destroy the one true faith. Indeed, they have become Satan's minions! They have become entangled now with a forbidden yoke of bondage (Gal. 5:1) with and for unbelievers. And so they are misguided and fearful, because they have strayed far away from the Gospel light. They are indeed not on God's side at all! They are deeply mired down in apostasy. To continue on their current destructive course will bring God's harshest judgment, and America will be lost forever. Their misguided and confused gospel of mixed messages and signals has strengthened the hands of unbelieving men in our government and elsewhere who have gladly sold our once great Christian nation out to unbelievers. We have gone from a once free nation to a slave state that is in bondage to those who reject and hate Christ. Our legacy throughout history will be the most easily duped generation in all of history. For we had the written Word of God readily available to us. We had the great documents of freedom within easy reach. And we let all of them slip away from us as of little or no importance or consequence whatsoever! We had Christian and patriotic voices of warning raised, and we ignored the truth on every side. What a foolish and deluded generation and nation, long overdue and ripe for God's hand of harshest judgment raised against it!
Continue on on this page and earlier pages for much more helpful information on this vital topic and more.
Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it. William Penn.
It is never right to do wrong in order to get a chance to do right. Dr. Bob Jones, Chapel Sayings (CS)
If American democracy is to remain the greatest hope of humanity, it must continue abundantly in the faith of the Bible. Calvin Coolidge.
There is no tragedy as tragic as combining high mentality with low morality. CS. (Dr. Bob Jones)
If our religion is something objective, then we must never avert our eyes from those elements in it which seem puzzling or repellent; for it will be precisely the puzzling or the repellent which conceals what we do not yet know and need to know. C. S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory.
A man is a fool who leans on the arm of flesh when he can be supported by the arm of Omnipotence. CS.
Further Chapel Sayings from Dr. Bob Jones re. right vs. wrong:
The man who sincerely and unselfishly desires to know what's right doesn't have any trouble finding out what's right.
When there is a good, straight road to the right place, why go a roundabout way to get to that place?
The things you do that you ought not to do, you do because you don't do what you ought to do.
What you love and what you hate reveal what you are.
The two biggest little words in the English language are the two little words "do right".
Back of every tragedy in human character, there is a process of wicked thinking.
You can do anything you ought to do.
No doubt the trouble is with you.
Go as far as you can on the right road.
The right road always leads out at the right place.
You can't do wrong and get away with it.
The problem is basically theological and involves a spiritual recrudescence… It must be of the spirit if we are to save the flesh.
Spoken by General Douglas MacArthur @ the surrender of Japan, Sept. 2, 1942.
The Prayer of George Washington:
Almighty God, who has given us this good heritage, we humbly beseech Thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of Thy favor and glad to do thy will.
Bless our land with honorable industry, sound learning, and pure manners.
Save us from violence, discord, and confusion; from pride and arrogancy, and from every evil way.
Defend our liberties, and fashion into one united people the multitudes brought out of many kindreds and tongues.
Endow with the spirit of wisdom those whom in Thy name we entrust the authority of government, that there may be peace and justice at home, and that through obedience to Thy law, we may show forth Thy praise among the nations of the earth.
In the time of prosperity, fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble, suffer not our trust in Thee to fail. Amen.
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I really enjoyed reading this post and I think my favorte part was when you talked about the anti-christ. I don't know what God's plans are for the end of time but what I do know is that he will come as a theif in the night. I also remember reading something that talked about how many would be fooled by the anti-christ and wouldn't acctually know him as that at all. Am I right with this? I would also encourage you to check out and follow my blog if you so wish.
Hi, Ben. Thanks for your comment. None of us know what God's plans are for the end of time, and we are not given much information on it. But God has given us much in his new covenant in the New Testament Scriptures to help see us through any trial and tribulation that comes. It strongly appears that we are quickly nearing that point today. But God is able to supply our every need through Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. When we honor his truths He opens doors for us in the spirit that we never knew were even there. Be sure to check this out also, and God bless you, Ben.
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