Sometime soon the people of the world are going to have to start questioning what they are being spoon fed by the establishment, which has its own secret agenda that is separate from God’s agenda in Jesus Christ. Whether it is our own human government that seeks to establish itself separate from the US Constitution and morality, or whether it is churches and seminaries that seek to circumvent the clearest interpretation of the sacred scriptures, it all spells very big trouble on the earth. God is not mocked, and whatever men sew they will indeed also reap. In the case of our very own government structure the founders who drafted our Constitution recognized the things of great and unchanging value. They built a great nation founded upon those principles. The nation today that has strayed so far away from their principles is faltering and dying because it has forsaken them. We see economic collapse today as our government has done business in worthless, inflationary paper from international bankers, and continues now to keep printing up more and more of it to supposedly bail out Wall Street and Main Street. The American people today know nothing of Article 1, Section 10 of the US Constitution and its stipulation against such nefarious practices to enslave the people of America. And seemingly, today, the people do not care to stand in the way of such evils, but fall right into lockstep with whatever plans evil men have for them. They question nothing, and willingly support every evil under the sun!
Likewise, too, we have been given God’s holy Word that is also meant to keep us from straying and from harm. The New Testament is filled to overflowing with Spirit-inspired truths penned by the apostles as God’s creation was led from the old covenant into the new. Thus was manifested to the world God’s great mystery plan of the ages in Christ Jesus! These words from God in his new covenant should have formed the final word from Him to the entire world that the old had forever ended and that the new, everlasting covenant (Heb.13:20) was now firmly established and had great significance for mankind’s best interests and wellbeing. But as things tend to go upon the earth, it wasn’t too long before the many clever words of some men gained far greater influence over men’s minds in various matters and ways. We saw this in various places in the New Testament, as in Paul’s letter to the Galatians, where those in the church there were persuaded to return to circumcision. There are other occasions in church history where men were wooed away from real Christian truth and doctrine, and some remain in place to this very day. But today we must deal with that same subject that the Apostle felt required his serious, undivided attention, for it also is still very much with us today and is creating much trouble and turmoil in many places.
Because men have departed from the knowledge of the new covenant of Jesus Christ many clever and well placed words of clever men have turned many minds off into the wrong direction. This direction supports the return of things back to the old covenant Jewish law system. Some are certainly aware of the most recent news of Israel’s intent to restore the temple and the animal sacrifices to Jerusalem. The temple is now completed off site and can be re-erected at a moment’s notice, so that within three month’s time it will be up and running for all the world to behold and admire once again. Many in modern American Christendom cheer it on with great anticipation, enthusiasm, and excitement. They think that this is all a great part of God’s plan and is very pleasing to Him, and that any Gentile nations that dare to oppose this goal will be harshly judged and called to account for opposing his unbelieving people Israel.
Yet, indeed, it must still be asked why modern Israel should put all of this in place of the Savior sent from God 2000 years ago. We must also keep in mind that the old original state of Israel was judged already and utterly destroyed, just as the Savior said it would be. So also why must moderns who claim Christ today feel that they must now turn completely around and support such antichristian activity in the new replacement state of Israel? Can they not discern right from wrong, for they apparently believe that this wrong activity is right for today? Such wrong is right in their sight, under whatever human pretext and command has been used to twist their thinking from the straight and narrow ways of God in Christ! (Note--in speaking of antichrist here, I would refer the reader to the Scripture definition found in I and II John, where an antichrist person is one who claims that the Christ of God has not already come in the flesh. This, in other words, is an unbeliever, just as the early unbelieving Jews of John’s day were, and so are these latter ones still today.)
What strange spirits of antichrist roam around in our midst today to turn the world back to the Jewish temple and its Jewish system of animal sacrifices! What foolishness now possesses men’s minds to proclaim that God fully supports and endorses such antichrist behavior! No wonder they cannot find his blessing today, but must ever look beyond into their misty world of the future that they now proclaim will be better. But for today they insist that their house divided is somehow acceptable to God, despite its contradiction to Christ’s finished work at Calvary and to his Great Commission. Their agenda deviates from God’s central emphasis on the precious things of the new covenant and takes a complete turn backwards in history. All of this is done to accommodate antichrist unbelief! It grasps nothing of any higher calling or blessing in Christ for our day, but instead places a completely different, counter-Christian agenda above it. All of the contents and the articles of the new covenant are shoved aside so that the things torn down by Christ and the apostles are rebuilt under a false design and pretext (Gal. 2:18). This false design is earthly kingdom over God’s heavenly, just as the unbelieving Jews always hoped and longed for from the very beginning in their misapprehension of God’s truths and ways which are so different from their ways! Today’s half-breed of Christians strive to fulfill this Jewish hope which still rejects any truly spiritual relationship with the risen Savior. And because they align themselves with such earthly values and visions, they too miss out in very great part on the heavenly blessing that Christ fulfills within his chosen people in the new covenant today.
Yet the holy Scriptures still stand supreme in God’s plan. The nation that murdered the servants, the prophets, the apostles, and the holy men of God, and then the Author of life himself (Rom. 11:3; Rev.10:7; 11:18; 17:6; 18:20,24; 19:2; 16:6-7; Acts 3:15) has been destroyed (Rev. 17:16 and chapter 18), and will no longer nor ever again be so accepted, favored, and blessed of God, just as the Revelation states, no matter what foolish men who hold the real truth in derision and unrighteousness may want to proclaim against it today to their own downfall, destruction, and damnation. How they can reconcile their own depraved view of things to the following Scriptures defies all reason, but somehow, in the darkness of their own minds, they concoct their own witches brew of deception for the unwise and the unwary to accept.
The Scriptures tell us that the Jews are of the synagogue of Satan--Rev. 2:9; 3:9. The Scriptures also tell God’s people to come out of her, Babylon the Great, Mother of All Prostitutes and Obscenities in the World who was drunk with the blood of God‘s holy people who were witnesses for Jesus--Rev. 17:3-6; 18:4-6, 24; II Co. 6:17. She, Jerusalem, is termed the great prostitute or harlot--Rev. chs 17-19--just as God called her in numerous places in the Old Testament, when she rejected Him and his holy prophets who were sent to her to warn her of her impending doom if she continued to defy God. God’s people are warned to leave her, lest they be partakers of her sins. The kings of earth wage war against the Lamb--Rev. 17:14 and are not of his kingdom (Rev. 1:6). But God’s servants will worship and serve Him--Rev. 22:3. They will serve Him by standing with Him for the truth in this day today when the truth is not so popular nor politically correct in the minds of such misguided and depraved people who are serving the antichrist so openly and unabashedly today.
The way of truth is not complicated. It is clear and straightforward without all of the intricate twists and turns devised by crooked men today to confuse and to confound the unsuspecting. Those who love God and his truths will follow it and will find Him there in his palatial dining hall where they may forever sup with Him on high.
The rest will follow the “train wreck” strewn everywhere around us today. They will go into perdition, where their worm never dies (Mark 9:44-48). For they refuse to admit that God’s key to the future for the last 2000 years has always been Christ and his new covenant. The inspired sacred Scriptures clearly show us the reality of this in the complete unfolding of the mystery of God’s great plan in Christ. It is firmly established in the Word of truth and on high in his glorious resurrection and reign, and it will always stand. They ignore this at their own eternal peril.
Many today all over the world long for such a clear, holy, and righteous message instead of such horrendous heresies that the modern church steeps herself in today and then spreads abroad for consumption. Truly, the day is perilous, as very few today see any necessity whatsoever to get it right! The majority, it seems, lack such godly calling and discernment. No matter what, to their perverse reasoning, everything else rises over the new covenant guidelines. To them, God’s priority has not been the fulfilling mystery of the new covenant and its having made all things new, but the far more mediocre agenda of antichrist today.
There Is A Kingdom, by Anita Whalley. Find on Amazon.com for the amazing low price of $15.99. Can be located under the inspirational books heading. Find it and clear out the cobwebs from your mind and find God’s purest joy, wisdom, and refreshment enough to last an entire lifetime and beyond!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
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