Monday, December 8, 2008

Update to President-elect Obama -- 12/4/08
Here’s what’s very much on my mind, President-elect Obama. I hope that you will be much more receptive to such important issues than President Bush was. We all know what he did, namely his own thing, and very little else! He clearly preferred to ignore many vital bits of important information that could have saved a lot of people an awful lot of trouble and grief! Please don’t do that to us again! I don’t think you will.
I feel a very urgent need to keep this enclosed urgent matter in the forefront of our foreign policy concerns. It regards the Middle East situation, and terrorism. It is most critical information! So please, just save everyone a whole lot of time, energy, frustration, and further calamity and give it the serious attention it surely deserves.
For the last few years many people have been using the term “Judeo-Christian” to represent the Christian faith and its criteria of practice. This is clearly a gross misrepresentation, and it is totally wrong, as the Scriptures clearly confirm.
We must begin realizing that the Christian faith is totally a “Christian” entity--of Christ--and must be recognized as such. Judaism, on the other hand, rejects Christianity, and is in no wise any party with Christ. Christ cancelled Judaism or the Jewish law system forever, with his everlasting sacrifice on Calvary’s cross for the sins of the whole world. For this insightful breakthrough we can turn to such scriptures as Hebrews 10:8-10 where we read:
“Christ said, ‘You did not want animal sacrifices or
grain offerings or animals burned on the altar or other
offerings for sin, nor were you pleased with them’ (though
they are required by the law of Moses). Then he added,
‘Look, I have come to do your will.’ He cancels the first covenant in order to establish the second. And what God
wants is for us to be made holy by the sacrifice of the
body of Jesus Christ once for all time.” (NLT. See also KJV and other translations. They all take us to exactly the same place!)
Because of what Christ did for us at Calvary, in cancelling the old covenant, and in tearing down Judaism forever by his own sacrifice of Himself in our place and on our behalf, the Judaism part of the modern term “Judeo-Christian” clearly is a gross misrepresentation of the Christian faith, and it has seriously corrupted it in the eyes of many. Many other scriptures show us this also, as I discuss at greater length in my recent book. In our time, however, the term “Judeo-Christian” seems to have launched us upon a whole new rebuilding of Judaism--the rebuilding of all of the things that Christ tore down (See Galatians 2:18) almost 2000 years ago.
This extremely important insight is what is at the very core and center of our current international crisis with the Islamic world. Nor would it do us any good whatsoever to declare this area of human life off-limits to any consideration of international security and politics. It is the fundamental crux of the entire matter now before us in this security crisis of gargantuan proportions. If we were to just relegate this most important consideration to the untouchable realm of religion without any meaningful consideration of it, our security would continue to be threatened. That would be carrying the separation issue to an absurd extreme, which would be the height of human folly, since all of mankind believes in something in some one religious sense or another. And if we are ever to restore any moral foundation for America’s leadership in this world, then we are obligated to address this serious matter. Else wise we have no moral grounds for serious leadership on earth any longer.
The most helpful thing would be for this nation generally to stop confusing the Christian faith, complicating it needlessly, and combining it with Judaism, because God has made it abundantly clear in the sacred Scriptures that this is unacceptable to Him. And in recent years it has been very instrumental in wreaking havoc in America’s international affairs and security. It has not benefited other nations either.
True diplomacy, if we would have it, must start with this overwhelming reality. In fact God is the real Diplomat, in all that He accomplished 2000 years ago in the work of his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. He sent forth grace, and love, and mercy, into all of this needy world, and now we have ruined it by confusing it and mixing it back up with unbelieving Judaism. We ourselves didn’t do it, but we are blindly following it and those who did do it, and so begins our troubles! We’re in a huge mess over this matter, with militant Islam going after us in their own kind of “holy war”. Religion is indeed at the very heart and soul of this contention with militant Islam, and if we don’t have enough sense to address it, then we have nothing in us of any value at all!
But we can stop it if we can bring ourselves to come into the truth at long last and mean business with the living God who wrote the inspired Scriptures. We don’t have to be the helpless pawns in the devil’s game. God gave us all that we need to succeed and be victorious in Him. But we must get serious with Him!
And also, I would submit to you another important insight. It is simply that the great Christian faith has been around this troubled world for almost 2000 years. It has lifted much of lost humanity, and breathed new life into many lost souls. Even the Arabs know that! And don’t you think that they will indeed begin to sympathize with us in our situation here if and when we finally begin to demonstrate to them that we are not so entirely out-of touch with their thoughts, concerns, and feelings either? If we do our own homework with Christ, then they will undoubtedly gain new respect for us and sympathize with the predicament that we all now face with the modern unbelieving state of Israel. If we continue in our current mindset they will continue to view us as superficial, shallow, and shortsighted professing “Christians” who know or care little about the real Christian faith.
Thus, “holy war” with the western hypocrites! If you are truly wise, President-elect Obama, you will begin in earnest in this one vital area among the many to indeed “today..begin in earnest the work of making sure that the world we leave our children is just a little bit better than the one we inhabit today”, just as you have promised you would do. If you are willing to follow God’s truth, you will make it a much better world than what we now have facing us.
For more important information in this vital area of things, my book on all of this is available on in the Christian inspirational books department. There Is A Kingdom, by Anita Whalley. Complimentary copy is available from the author with the receipt of Barack Obama’s correct mailing address. --Anita.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Living Faith
We see in our nation today so much of an all-inclusivism that does not care to address the content of religious practice. Instead we have reached the dreaded point of a preference of ignorance pertaining to beliefs. It doesn’t matter about the power of false ideas, just as long as one believes in something--anything, really, no matter what, just as long as it is currently non-violent. So an important question must be asked. That is, where is truth in all of this exercise in this all-inclusive dogma that supports just about anything under the sun? Alongside of that one must also ask just how helpful to the individual who is earnestly longing for God’s real truth all of this modern falling away really is! Of what benefit is actual truth when all that modern man seems to want to do is to ignore it and to demean it to a point of irrelevance and bury it in a multitude of new age and new world trivia to prevent it from troubling all of those who would indeed prefer to see God finally dead after all.
Along the dusty, winding trail to this dark point in time, the church has, it now appears, desired to remain aloof from the most powerful and uplifting elements in the faith of Christ. Outside of naming his name as the Savior sent to us from God, it has become apparent that the key to religious practice must generally remain aloof from any in-depth application to Christ’s new covenant. Thus has the stage been set for the return to the darkness from which Christ came to set mankind free.
Instrumental to our arriving at such a low point in history has been the practice of dead ritual alongside of false doctrines in far too many cases. Dead ritual in churches is a pernicious disease that feeds the church like an epidemic when the church chooses another way to God that eschews any intimate relationship with Him. It is the choice of those who choose to come upward in another way, in fact any other convenient way, except the one true way prescribed in sacred Scripture! It feeds upon stage settings and showmanship. It indulges itself in endless works of ritual in many different forms, but that adheres to empty religious practice and human exercises so reminiscent of the scribes and Pharisees of Jesus’ day.
As this has run its complete course, it appears, today, after years of attacks upon the Word and its wonderful liberating truths, we now have arrived at the point wherein we start to notice and even feel our awful spiritual emptiness and deficiency. So in order to feed our hunger we must inject something, even anything, into our empty religion of the day. And so, what else could we possibly care to choose but more empty rituals! And so, in the forms of such observances as the Jewish feast of tabernacles and the Passover observance we strive to find and claim the blessing that eludes us from God today. This is the place of modern fundamentalistic evangelical Christianity today. The most recent claim is that these are God’s feast days and observances, and are not actually a part of the Jewish law system. And yet they did make up a great and significant part of Jewish practice, and still do today. If they are not a part of this, but are of God entirely instead, then God would show his one true light through them. If they were indeed of God and his new covenant, a statement of exception would be forthcoming from the Word, at such places as Col. 2:16. They would be recommended far more than Christ’s new covenant agenda for the church. Instead, however, the New Testament Scriptures at such places as Heb.7:18 and 8:13, Phil. 7:11, and II Co. 3:11 clearly show us the futility and worthlessness of such empty activities. What the modern church hopes to gain from such dark endeavors is what they have indeed been missing out on in their empty and lifeless ritualistic gathering themselves together to usher in the new age of Zionism. In spite of all of the empty claims and rhetoric to further the cause of Christ, they have chosen to ignore the valuable insights of the new, and have now chosen to revert back to the old. And so they prove themselves continually that they themselves are of the devil’s works of darkness.
The power to release the captives (Lu. 4:18) and set them free (Gal. 4:24-25) is not taken into account, while they seek to enslave the church (Gal. 2:4-5) and reestablish it brick by brick upon that “unbearable yoke” (Acts 15:9-10) that the apostle Luke discouraged so vehemently in the infant church. The old way that led to death (II Co. 3:6-9 and Tim. 1:4-7) is what much of the church is all about today! Minds have become closed (Eph. 4:17-18) and so have they regressed back to “the weak and beggarly elements” (Gal. 4:8-10). In claiming not to be works-oriented in their concept of salvation, they become ever more so. Again, they have reverted back to that other foundation that is based on mere human reasoning and logic (Gal. 1:11-12). This is far outside of the realm of grace, but takes them right back into the works of the law and human effort (See Gal. 2:16-21 and 3:1-3). So much of empty religious ritual has taken its toll, and empty religion outside of the actual and true faith of Christ as revealed in his new covenant have masterfully set the stage for the new world order and Zionism’s overcoming of Christianity. (Take a closer look at the back of your dollar bill if you still doubt this!) This is the real program of antichrist--to finish off God’s grace in Jesus Christ. This is Satan’s shining hour--his crowning achievement that paves the way for ever increasing darkness and despair. This is the great fulfillment of empty established religious practice absent God’s real truths.
What has supposed to have been the Good News of God’s grace or unmerited favor (Gal. 2:4-5) in the age now come (Heb. 6:5) has failed to make its mark today as it should have. One primary reason for this is the church’s failure to give due honor to the new covenant. Everything else, it seems, is far more important than paying heed to what should matter the most!
Some today in the church still mention the word “revival”, hoping that somehow it will just materialize out of thin air. This is just merely another part of the modern church’s folly and hypocrisy. There is really only one way for the church today to prove its calling and election in Christ. It must address its own grave shortcomings and indifference to the true will of God on the earth, and become willing to learn and accept the things that matter most that have been eluding it for so long. I think that, should such a thing as this happen, then real revival will come to the world without any other kind of human endeavor and effort whatsoever! The actual power of the Holy Spirit will become manifested as the real truth of the Word appears. Without this, this world will continue into an ever deepening downward spiral into hell!
To learn much more valuable information on this important subject that should rightly matter to every Christian, go to and look up There Is A Kingdom by Anita Whalley in the inspirational books section. This is a great Christian book that is bound to take one into God’s larger place of miracles and heavenly breakthroughs, and bring dead-end “Christianity” to end forevermore.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Sometime soon the people of the world are going to have to start questioning what they are being spoon fed by the establishment, which has its own secret agenda that is separate from God’s agenda in Jesus Christ. Whether it is our own human government that seeks to establish itself separate from the US Constitution and morality, or whether it is churches and seminaries that seek to circumvent the clearest interpretation of the sacred scriptures, it all spells very big trouble on the earth. God is not mocked, and whatever men sew they will indeed also reap. In the case of our very own government structure the founders who drafted our Constitution recognized the things of great and unchanging value. They built a great nation founded upon those principles. The nation today that has strayed so far away from their principles is faltering and dying because it has forsaken them. We see economic collapse today as our government has done business in worthless, inflationary paper from international bankers, and continues now to keep printing up more and more of it to supposedly bail out Wall Street and Main Street. The American people today know nothing of Article 1, Section 10 of the US Constitution and its stipulation against such nefarious practices to enslave the people of America. And seemingly, today, the people do not care to stand in the way of such evils, but fall right into lockstep with whatever plans evil men have for them. They question nothing, and willingly support every evil under the sun!
Likewise, too, we have been given God’s holy Word that is also meant to keep us from straying and from harm. The New Testament is filled to overflowing with Spirit-inspired truths penned by the apostles as God’s creation was led from the old covenant into the new. Thus was manifested to the world God’s great mystery plan of the ages in Christ Jesus! These words from God in his new covenant should have formed the final word from Him to the entire world that the old had forever ended and that the new, everlasting covenant (Heb.13:20) was now firmly established and had great significance for mankind’s best interests and wellbeing. But as things tend to go upon the earth, it wasn’t too long before the many clever words of some men gained far greater influence over men’s minds in various matters and ways. We saw this in various places in the New Testament, as in Paul’s letter to the Galatians, where those in the church there were persuaded to return to circumcision. There are other occasions in church history where men were wooed away from real Christian truth and doctrine, and some remain in place to this very day. But today we must deal with that same subject that the Apostle felt required his serious, undivided attention, for it also is still very much with us today and is creating much trouble and turmoil in many places.
Because men have departed from the knowledge of the new covenant of Jesus Christ many clever and well placed words of clever men have turned many minds off into the wrong direction. This direction supports the return of things back to the old covenant Jewish law system. Some are certainly aware of the most recent news of Israel’s intent to restore the temple and the animal sacrifices to Jerusalem. The temple is now completed off site and can be re-erected at a moment’s notice, so that within three month’s time it will be up and running for all the world to behold and admire once again. Many in modern American Christendom cheer it on with great anticipation, enthusiasm, and excitement. They think that this is all a great part of God’s plan and is very pleasing to Him, and that any Gentile nations that dare to oppose this goal will be harshly judged and called to account for opposing his unbelieving people Israel.
Yet, indeed, it must still be asked why modern Israel should put all of this in place of the Savior sent from God 2000 years ago. We must also keep in mind that the old original state of Israel was judged already and utterly destroyed, just as the Savior said it would be. So also why must moderns who claim Christ today feel that they must now turn completely around and support such antichristian activity in the new replacement state of Israel? Can they not discern right from wrong, for they apparently believe that this wrong activity is right for today? Such wrong is right in their sight, under whatever human pretext and command has been used to twist their thinking from the straight and narrow ways of God in Christ! (Note--in speaking of antichrist here, I would refer the reader to the Scripture definition found in I and II John, where an antichrist person is one who claims that the Christ of God has not already come in the flesh. This, in other words, is an unbeliever, just as the early unbelieving Jews of John’s day were, and so are these latter ones still today.)
What strange spirits of antichrist roam around in our midst today to turn the world back to the Jewish temple and its Jewish system of animal sacrifices! What foolishness now possesses men’s minds to proclaim that God fully supports and endorses such antichrist behavior! No wonder they cannot find his blessing today, but must ever look beyond into their misty world of the future that they now proclaim will be better. But for today they insist that their house divided is somehow acceptable to God, despite its contradiction to Christ’s finished work at Calvary and to his Great Commission. Their agenda deviates from God’s central emphasis on the precious things of the new covenant and takes a complete turn backwards in history. All of this is done to accommodate antichrist unbelief! It grasps nothing of any higher calling or blessing in Christ for our day, but instead places a completely different, counter-Christian agenda above it. All of the contents and the articles of the new covenant are shoved aside so that the things torn down by Christ and the apostles are rebuilt under a false design and pretext (Gal. 2:18). This false design is earthly kingdom over God’s heavenly, just as the unbelieving Jews always hoped and longed for from the very beginning in their misapprehension of God’s truths and ways which are so different from their ways! Today’s half-breed of Christians strive to fulfill this Jewish hope which still rejects any truly spiritual relationship with the risen Savior. And because they align themselves with such earthly values and visions, they too miss out in very great part on the heavenly blessing that Christ fulfills within his chosen people in the new covenant today.
Yet the holy Scriptures still stand supreme in God’s plan. The nation that murdered the servants, the prophets, the apostles, and the holy men of God, and then the Author of life himself (Rom. 11:3; Rev.10:7; 11:18; 17:6; 18:20,24; 19:2; 16:6-7; Acts 3:15) has been destroyed (Rev. 17:16 and chapter 18), and will no longer nor ever again be so accepted, favored, and blessed of God, just as the Revelation states, no matter what foolish men who hold the real truth in derision and unrighteousness may want to proclaim against it today to their own downfall, destruction, and damnation. How they can reconcile their own depraved view of things to the following Scriptures defies all reason, but somehow, in the darkness of their own minds, they concoct their own witches brew of deception for the unwise and the unwary to accept.
The Scriptures tell us that the Jews are of the synagogue of Satan--Rev. 2:9; 3:9. The Scriptures also tell God’s people to come out of her, Babylon the Great, Mother of All Prostitutes and Obscenities in the World who was drunk with the blood of God‘s holy people who were witnesses for Jesus--Rev. 17:3-6; 18:4-6, 24; II Co. 6:17. She, Jerusalem, is termed the great prostitute or harlot--Rev. chs 17-19--just as God called her in numerous places in the Old Testament, when she rejected Him and his holy prophets who were sent to her to warn her of her impending doom if she continued to defy God. God’s people are warned to leave her, lest they be partakers of her sins. The kings of earth wage war against the Lamb--Rev. 17:14 and are not of his kingdom (Rev. 1:6). But God’s servants will worship and serve Him--Rev. 22:3. They will serve Him by standing with Him for the truth in this day today when the truth is not so popular nor politically correct in the minds of such misguided and depraved people who are serving the antichrist so openly and unabashedly today.
The way of truth is not complicated. It is clear and straightforward without all of the intricate twists and turns devised by crooked men today to confuse and to confound the unsuspecting. Those who love God and his truths will follow it and will find Him there in his palatial dining hall where they may forever sup with Him on high.
The rest will follow the “train wreck” strewn everywhere around us today. They will go into perdition, where their worm never dies (Mark 9:44-48). For they refuse to admit that God’s key to the future for the last 2000 years has always been Christ and his new covenant. The inspired sacred Scriptures clearly show us the reality of this in the complete unfolding of the mystery of God’s great plan in Christ. It is firmly established in the Word of truth and on high in his glorious resurrection and reign, and it will always stand. They ignore this at their own eternal peril.
Many today all over the world long for such a clear, holy, and righteous message instead of such horrendous heresies that the modern church steeps herself in today and then spreads abroad for consumption. Truly, the day is perilous, as very few today see any necessity whatsoever to get it right! The majority, it seems, lack such godly calling and discernment. No matter what, to their perverse reasoning, everything else rises over the new covenant guidelines. To them, God’s priority has not been the fulfilling mystery of the new covenant and its having made all things new, but the far more mediocre agenda of antichrist today.
There Is A Kingdom, by Anita Whalley. Find on for the amazing low price of $15.99. Can be located under the inspirational books heading. Find it and clear out the cobwebs from your mind and find God’s purest joy, wisdom, and refreshment enough to last an entire lifetime and beyond!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

In Him Is Depth of Riches Untold

In Him Is Depth of Riches Untold
In my last installment, dated July 26, 2008, I was led to a discussion of God’s Wondrous Mystique. His mystique, or air of mystery and reverence, I do hope is still around out there somewhere today. Perhaps it still is, in some of the less progressive older Protestant denominations who still cling to such things as the Westminster Confession of Faith, and the Protestant Catechisms, which can still offer to the new kinds of churches in their need today a great amount of the wisdom of the ages from sacred Writ. I still see in these wonderful documents an open inroad into the deeper things of God (see I Co. 2:9-10). Today, however, many hold back from them in slavish fear, so afraid to shake up their more shallow, superficial take and understanding of the Scriptures. I know they don’t want to hear me say this, but it really is true! So many today pride themselves on so very little from the Lord, when so much more is so readily available at hand for want of serious desire. And so, today also, many are hurting and down-in-the-dumps because their hungering spirits have not found sufficient sustenance from on high.
The Scriptures are very emphatic on one thing, namely, that this is not a normal situation. For instead of dearth, the Scriptures, as God’s mouthpiece or council--indeed, his very Word of truth to us, offer us something far greater, and in great and massive abundance. So why are we in poverty still, anxiously awaiting something far greater and more glorious still than we seem to be able to lay hold of for today?
The sacred Word proclaims to us the depth of the riches to be found in Christ (Rom. 11:33). In Him is “joy unspeakable and full of glory” (I Pet. 1:8). We become his own special possession (Eph. 1:14) when we come to Him, if indeed we truly do come, and as children of our high King Jesus we ought to come into such wondrous things bestowed as on the children of highest royalty, on the children of light! So why don’t we?
This is a most serious question for us to ponder today, for it has a specific cause, just as all things do, and the effect is devastating. If there is a paradise, then where is it? Do we just need more supernatural help after we have prayed ourselves into a stupor, perhaps, or some such thing like this that defies our understanding? But one thing remains for us to consider still, and perhaps still again, if we would. We run ourselves ragged with endless rounds of churchgoing, but where are we still where it all counts in the end, in the inner man?
But one monumental thing remains untapped still! We have one other great and deep resource, and we can lay claim upon it at any and all hours, day and night, for want of a little desire and effort on our own part. So much of God’s Word has come under critical analysis of the wrong kind today, and for decades, and this has left us in ever greater desolation. The wise man discerns the problems, and takes appropriate action to correct the error, instead of piling just more and more error on top of it. The Holy Bible is called the Word of truth (II Tim. 2:15). And so, in all of the critical dissecting of it today, we must come back to this one cornerstone, recognizing our human frailty, and go deeper still to find that glorious fulfillment that He promises to all who love Him. To neglect what God has so freely and bounteously bestowed upon us is never an option. We must claim his resources so freely placed at our disposal if we would ever find the way into the glorious deliverance that He has already brought to us. And those resources are more powerful than is the enemy’s power to destroy!
You see, God has not hopelessly complicated the way. Each one of us can find it when we make a small effort out of our great love for Him who bought us with his own precious blood. He does not withhold his rich blessings to any of us who gladly sit at his feet and hear Him out, up close and personal! We have been provided the open door to his heavenly throne room, and we can come boldly there. His holy Word supplies the roadmap. It is contained in his new covenant of grace. It comprises his Gospel, the Good News. It is the Good News of happiness. And it is his miraculous gift for all who truly believe! In this is his great power to heal all of mankind’s present ills that so badly need fixing today.
Our politicians talk a lot about diplomacy today, but lack God’s gift. He is the greatest diplomat of all time! It is now up to real Christians to present Him in all of his love and majesty to a world trembling and about to teeter over the edge of oblivion. If the Christian is a true believer, then he must arise to the occasion now, and take God at his Word, for his talents and efforts are very badly needed. What answer will we give to God if we do not heed the call to spiritual arms and action? Seriously, we are missing the mark of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ (Phil. 3:14) if we continue down the road we have been traveling, little thinking of the importance and great significance of his new covenant. For it supplies that badly needed safety net that prevents us from slipping backward, as we see today, unfortunately.
Yes, backward! Backward we go into the beggarly elements in the Jewish law system of unbelief that Christ did away with completely almost 2000 years ago now. Your American taxpayer dollars in the tens of millions every day supply it with the energy to go to war against Christ, as we have picked our favored few among all the nations of the world today. As God does not do, so do we today! And the church today dreams on as the true Gospel is continually threatened! America desperately needs to wake up, before it is forever too late!
Wake up, sleepy Christian! Come alive for Christ! The hour is long spent, and you need to go to work for the Master, lest it is forever too late for you to do so!
Begin now to gain great light from on high. There Is A Kingdom provides an extremely helpful beginning. Anita Whalley wrote it so that this faltering civilization might have a chance to turn things back around to God, instead of helping build a human temple that sacrifices animals instead as the wave of the future. God already provided his everlasting sacrifice in Jesus, once and for all time, and brought all of that to a final end forever! It’s really time to start paying attention! It is time to stop doing wrong! It is time to get it all together in the right way prescribed in the holy Scriptures! NOW!
There Is A Kingdom. Author--Anita Whalley.
Available on Go to religious and inspirational books area. Purchase it at very low cost ($15.99), and after UPS delivers it start reading it, so that your eyes can be opened wide. Then get others to read it! Amen.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Significant Values

God’s Wondrous Mystique

The last session, dated 7/2/08, left us pondering some questions still needing answers, such as when do we come into Christ’s new covenant, what God expects of us, and how we can find his fullness of blessing. My personal opinion, and conclusion sees that we must look even further into God Himself if we are ever to find an adequate answer to such questions. I think that we have to look further into an area that I like to term God’s special mystique.
Now what, do you suppose, do I mean by that? Well I would define this word, in keeping with Miriam Webster’s dictionary, as that air of mystery and reverence that develops around someone, like God, as we come ever closer to Him. It would likely be also as we get to know Him a bit better. One might say that it is his special appeal that He reveals to us through the workings of his new covenant, especially. It is in his new covenant that He really reveals Himself to us in a number of very appealing ways.
It is, of course, in the things that He has done on our behalf therein especially that makes Him our dear Father. In this relationship He bestows on us his overcoming victory that is so completely tied into his dear Son Jesus and all that He did on our behalf, so that we could be reunited to God the Father.
The Father sent the Son to die in the sinner’s place. We read in Romans 5:6-9:
“For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.” (See also through v. 17.)
If this one great and selfless action does not win us to Him, then we most likely can never be won, and will spend eternity forever without Him. For we cannot belong to Him if we cannot ever love Him enough to come to Him and let Him bear our load of sins as He came to do for us.
The third Person of the Holy Trinity is the Holy Spirit. It is He who works within us to melt our stony, rebellious hearts, to quicken us and give us spiritual life. He must do this on our behalf, for we, in the natural man, have all fallen under Adam, our first parents. And so we are very helpless without God. In us dwells no good thing (Romans 7:18. See all of ch. 7.), nor any righteousness (Rom. 3:10-20).
And so we must come unto Him if we would gain the things that we lack. It is in Him that we are reborn from on high in the spiritual sense, and He gained the victory for us before God the Father. It is in his victory that we gain the victory that so eludes us. It is in Him that we gain eternal life.
This is where we come into the new covenant. It is all of his work on our behalf that brings us there, and none of our own. Thus is the very special mystique and appeal of our great and loving God. What of the other pagan gods of men’s minds would die for the lost creation, and redeem it back unto Himself? No more of endless pain in hellfire for those who love Him. Ah, no. In this is hope! He invites us to linger long upon this, and to savor it as his heavenly breezes lure the starving spirit into the most enchanting and romantic land of his undying love and kind mercy to the lost.
Bethlehem’s child came here to bring us into his life more abundant (Jo. 10:10, Phil. 1:26, Eph 3:20, Titus 3:6), and home to his kingdom on high. It is in this that we can happily linger long in his green pastures, as the sheep of his fold. The sacred Scriptures provide such a recourse, and lead us along the straight and narrow way of his new covenant!. Here is the Gospel essence! Here is the center and core of new life in Christ! Through the auspices of his new covenant He leads us into new life at its very best and most wonderful at no cost to us but at all cost to Him, who in transcendent splendor reaches down to us from heaven’s throne room and bids us come up higher to his fresher, purer place of comfort and rest (Mt. 11:28-29).
This is that golden city set upon Zion’s hill where lost sinners can come and drink deeply of his refreshing waters and never thirst again (Jo. 4:13-15).
It is this mystical quality of this kind and loving God who stoops so far down to rescue perishing men in the desert place of earth. In this is set into motion the grandest mystique that ever a mortal could find on earth! This is not a mere shrine or grotto set up by men as an imitation that they claim as the real thing. It far surpasses any and all of man’s attempts to provide some imitation that can never reach as far as the things of God that the truth of his Word reveal to us. It is paradise found in all of the provision of his great, effusive love that takes us upward “to ride upon the high places of the earth” (Isa. 58:14), and up further still into that heavenly land of magnanimous spaciousness with Him who does nothing in a small way at all!
God had a great plan in sending his dear Son to this sin-darkened earth. We must not shortchange this in any wise, for it is our very lifeline! His new covenant is not something that we have heard much spoken of, and this is our great loss! The world will never realize the full wonder of God’s plan nor feel the great, winning mystique that draws us ever closer to the God that the angels adore without that vital work in the new covenant! And the world will flounder in its misguided directions today if it chooses not to care. For in this one credential the church will come into its own in Christ. And so it must attend to this without further delay, for without it it is defenseless against Satan’s arrows aimed at its very heart today.
There Is A Kingdom, by Anita Whalley has much more on this very vital topic. You need to pick it up and read it today. It is readily available on in the religious and inspirational books division.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

In Christ Is Fullness of Blessing

In Christ Is Fullness of Blessing

The way of Christ, it has been said, is the way of the cross. It is a way that not many mere mortals can endure, left all on their own to somehow find that way within themselves. And of course, God knows all about this. Yet there appears such a demand from on high in Scripture to take up your cross, and follow Christ (Mk. 10:21, etc.). So what else can we find in sacred Scripture that would offer us some further guidance and light to lead us along our faltering way to God, wherein the way would become lighter, and easier to bear for those of us who need further reassurance from God in light of such a seemingly impossible demand? Maybe we need further assurance that He really does exist! That is, He needs to prove Himself somehow by some special sign. Can there be such a thing from God, besides all of the externals that we see all around us in creation that should give us confidence in the Creator, God?
The answer is that God knows our disadvantage, our frame, as it were. He does not leave us to such consternation and turmoil, as many men would do in their impatient assessments and projections about Him from the natural realm. And also about us, as we stand looking down upon our own deficiency in the light of such high calling from on high.
He sends us the clearest messages directly from the pages of sacred Writ that fills in the gaps for us when we allow them the opportunity to do so. Yet, what is sacred Writ except another one of those externals that seems not to reach us closely enough to help us?
When we care enough to study to show ourselves approved of God (II Tim. 2:15) as his faithful workmen, the gaps get filled in in such a splendid manner that we discover his miracle bestowed where before there seemed to be nothing there for us. All of a sudden, in a remarkable instant in time, He proves Himself to us in his supernatural Word come down to us from on high. We get our first glimpse of this when we first come to Christ and accept Him as our Savior. But how do we really go further on with Him and gladly take Him as Lord of our life? It is his just right to demand of us his lordship over us, for without Him we would not even exist! He is the God of answers, and so, if He provided to us a Savior, then surely He supplies all of our other needs in Christ (Phil. 4:19). It is Jesus Christ who comes into our lives when we acknowledge our need for Him. With his coming He brings us great relief, gladness, and joy.
And such as this is the great wonder and majesty of God’s works and spell upon the life of the true believer. When we gladly desire to spend time with his Word, He knows our desire for Him, and so He reveals Himself beyond the things of this world. We begin to see how He works in multidimensional ways that we could never before have fathomed. This multidimensional aspect of God’s working comes into great focus in the new covenant that Christ came to give to his lost world. It is uniquely his new covenant that brings us further along the way like nothing else can ever do. It works in keeping with the ministry of his Holy Spirit, and confirms his truths to our own slow hearts and minds. We come quickly into Christ’s covenant when…
Hmmm? Now what is that all about, can you suppose? I hope, in my time of my need that it does not demand more of me than I can handle! Surely God doesn’t expect me to…
How can I find his fullness of blessing?
There Is A Kingdom reveals God’s inside story of his magnificent workings in this very important issue. It is available under the author’s name, Anita Whalley at

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Significant Values

On this, the final official day of mourning the passing of that very dear man and great journalist, Tim Russert, the tears still come as we all remember him with such deep, abiding love that will remain with many of us forever. America is that much the poorer in his passing from us. I often wondered how we would ever manage without him, if we had to, some sad day. I'm not sure how we ever will now. We'll never forget him. We'll love him forever! He spoke for us, and asked the many serious questions that we needed answers for. We will truly miss him, those of us who watch the news a lot, when we can. He was a great man and a great journalist, and it was always a happy event on NBC news coverage to see him pop in to offer his take on important issues of the day. My sympathies and condolences go with all of his family and everyone at NBC news. I'll be thinking of all of you in the days ahead, as you must wend your way through the struggles of doing it all without Tim and all that he enjoyed contributing to each one of our lives every day. He truly helped all of us with his probing questions to get to the truth. And Sundays will not be the same either. He sure was so very lovable, and special! Go with God, Tim, go with God!
On another subject, yet close by to Tim's concerns for America, I'm sure, there is a web site you really do need to visit today, for time is running very short. This Friday is the deadline to sign the Petition For Redress of Grievances at Now that Tim is gone on to his higher calling in eternity, it is up to We The People to press our government for the answers that we seek. Let's follow along, for Tim, and for Luke, and for all the other lovable Americans that we know out there. You will find many great things on that web site, and be sure to sign that Petition TODAY!
Last, but not least, I have an important book out there. It's available on The title is There Is A Kingdom. The author is me, Anita Whalley. Also pertinent to this book is Gary D. Long's book Context! Evangelical Views on the Millennium Examined. Go there, and you will find more information in my review of Gary's great book.
These are some very important things you need to do really soon, but go today to that website above and join the thousands who have already signed that important petition. I'm sure it will make your day all the brighter. And God bless! Yours in Christ, by his matchless love and grace, Anita Whalley.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Significant Values

We The People Foundation has been running a campaign to Petition the Government for Redress of Grievances for unconstitutional practices, such as the invasion of Iraq. There are several different issues that are being addressed. Log on now to to sign this very important petition and to learn more that you need to know as an American. This campaign ends on June 20th, so time is quickly running out. Do this today, and thank you for standing up for America and the U. S. Constitution. What else can we do if we truly are Americans? God bless all of you.
And don't forget to pick up your copy of God's great answers for all of us at in my refreshing book There Is A Kingdom, by Anita Whalley. These things will make this summer very special for you, I promise!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Significant Values

There Is A Kingdom
A Christian Book by
Anita Whalley
Available on and affiliates worldwide
Paradise found in
God’s Word. Read it for yourself, and you will see!
But beyond this, wherein lies God's special, secret place of incomparable blessing that speaks to all of our spiritual needs, we also find the way of peace and blessing in our troubled world here below, that is to say, on earth, as it is in heaven, or almost heaven-oriented.
How is this possible, with no seeming end to the suffering and pains of wars that ensued from something so unfamiliar to us? How can we regain our footing, when so much today seems to be sinking sand all around us? What went so very wrong?
So what can make it all right again?
That's the secret of why God is so very wonderful, and well worth getting to know better! Step by step He shows us the way, which is lightsome, and not at all grievous. For He is the God of hope and glory.
You'll love what He has done for you, and you'll want to keep on reading, just to know how He did so very much more than you first realized, and why, and, oh my goodness, just to come to up-close and personal, to feel the touch of His dear Hand in yours at last.
In this day of trouble all around us, we can find the place of clear heavenly light. It's not so far away at all, and within our reach if we really want it! "Wisdom comes only to those who seek it" one wise person once commented, regarding how things really are.
Someone else once said that "Today's gloom may be only a passing cloud veiling the radiance of tomorrow's joys."
Seek out the Master Artist and Creator of everything good, and you will indeed find His very best. There Is A Kingdom will take you there!