Sunday, May 16, 2010

Re. Book Titles mentionned.

The books Last Days Madness and There Is A Kingdom are also both available on Second-hand copies are available at great savings.
Another book available at Amazon, I think, is Gary D. Long's book CONTEXT, Evangelical Views on the Millenium Examined, which is a pretty thorough study of different schools of thought on the Millennium. I would recommend it as a really good reference book on eschatology generally. If you want to study more of biblical hermeneutics, then I strongly recommend this book.

Give Me Liberty and the Articles of Freedom webinar tonight.

Here is an important webinar announcement that many of you may want to know about in case you do not already know. Sorry for the late hour of this post, but I seemed to have real trouble trying to move forward in the site over the last two days. The site is I sent for the special sign-up info, and they sent me the enclosed info: (Sorry, I can't seem to paste it on here, for whatever reason, the way I used to be able to do.) Here is the helpful info that I have, but not from copy (Sorry about that):

>>>The Webinar

> Join the National Call - Articles of Freedom Roll-out

> Sunday, May 16, 2010 @ 9:00 PM EDT
Space is limited
Reserve your Webinar seat now at
The link to yesterday's update:
The last several numbers above may have just applied to my correspondence with them, but I trust you can use it if you like.
System reqs. PC-based attendees. Windows 7, Vista, XP 2003 Server or 2000.
Come on in and join us to stand up for America! We need everyone to get involved, and it's really so much easier now than it was 30 years ago when a small handful of us first set out to support our Constitution. A lot of work's been done down through the years, so today, it's just a piece of cake if everyone will just chip in and help a bit. Together, we can make a real difference.
God bless us everyone.