Many precious hearts are still aching today, July 8, 2009, because of the loss of a special icon, Michael Jackson, the king of pop. It has been quite a phenomenon to watch the last few days unfold since his death. And for the Christian, we can't help wishing that he might somehow be in heaven with the Master, rejoicing and singing his praises, around his throne of grace. But we just don't know, and this is the most difficult part of a special someone's passing on from this life.
God has centered everything in his own dear Son, our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only one who is indeed the greatest star of all time, and throughout all of eternity. So each and every one of us must seek him and find him, and hold him close in our hearts like nobody else. For to know him is to love him with one's entire being. For to us who know him so intimately and specially, "He is like the light of the morning, like the sunrise bursting forth in a cloudless sky, like the refreshing rains that bring forth tender grass from the earth" (II Sam. 23:4).
There is always much talk of revival. But we must find the way to it before it can ever be realized. For if such a wonderful event would ever be realized, then the way of it must be sought at the very one and only foundation, who is Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. When all of the human errors and fabrications are put to rest, and Christ's Spirit's power is finally allowed to take center stage, when his power is released in the truth that makes us free (Jo. 8:32), only then will we experience great revival in this world, that perhaps the world has never before known. I'm sure that would be a wonderful day that would make straight the pathway to the King (Lu. 3:4-6) for hurting and aching hearts everywhere!
This is the task that the church needs to attend to today, to become the true light in the world, so that all might come to know him and his wondrous power. Only then will joy replace earthly sorrow, and a happy new day dawn on the earth with the one true King of glory leading songs of praise to his dear name, on earth and in heaven.
The Scripture verses following this latest post, dated July 6, 2009, I believe can lead the way to great revival of faith on earth. They lead us away from all of "the weak and beggarly elements"(Gal. 4:9) that separate us from the love and power of God in our lives. They have the power to lead us into the throne room of the great Shepherd and King of all kings! It is my earnest prayer that many would pay close attention to such an important matter as this is while they still remain on earth to do so. Our salvation is before us today, and there is no other future day whereby we can be saved. For only Christ can heal the broken-hearted, and set the captives free. This is what Michael Jackson needed, and what everyone needs to release us from earthly cares and troubles. Michael is over there, now, already in eternity. But we are still here, and we must make our lives shine with the light of Jesus so that the great light and love of God in Christ will shine out brightly and bring many troubled hearts into his kingdom on high.
Anita Whalley. There Is A Kingdom. (Ctrl + click)
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Quick Breakthrough Scripture References for Foundational Christian Doctrine
Dear Fellow Christians and Patriots:
Enclosed you will find one of the most important lists of Scripture references you have ever seen in your life. It supports the new covenant of our Savior and Lord Jesus. It also negates "Judeo-Christian Zionism", premillenialism, dispensationalism, and all other earthly kingdom fables, heresies, and mentalities! It is most essential and critical information for anyone concerned over what has gone wrong in Christianity today, and the neutralizing factors at work to sabotage it and to take it over for unchristian interests nationwide and worldwide. Please feel free to use it to the greatest advantage wherever you can to show others his great way and light.
Essentially, modern Christianity has been hijacked by nefarious earthly interests whose goal it is to destroy it and to destroy American freedom, all at the same time! It is well along the way to completion! But it can be stopped cold if enough people are alerted and take real action today. There is no time to lose, and time is short!
Come on, Christian soldiers and do your part to fulfill your obligations to Christ and to our beloved America! It is a very sad day when Christ's new covenant needs to be so defended. It was not so 250 years ago. How far we have slipped into apostasy today! We squander our greatness, our integrity, our future, and our valuable resources of treasure and human lives to support depraved myths and fables. Yet how straight and true is Christ's new covenant that establishes our feet upon his higher course. It is his new testament credential of highest and unequalled excellence that brings us all of his far better things, in this world and in the next. It should be self-evident where we need to take our stand today, but to many it is not.
"Start by doing what's necessary, then do what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible." --Francis of Assisi.
"Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is therefore good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men" (Mt. 5:13).
Quick Breakthrough Scripture References, etc.
The One True Gospel – Our Only Foundation (I Cor. 3:10-15 The Straight and Narrow Way (Mt. 7:14)
****ezine – Has your Darkness Really disappeared?*****
Darkness and Light
"The darkness is disappearing and the true light is already shining." I Jo. 1:5-7, 2:8. See also Acts 26:18; Mt. 4:16).
Christ is the light of the world – Jo. 1:9, 3:20-21, 8:12, 12:46. See also Is. 9:2.
God's secret plan centered in Christ – Eph. 1:9 (vv. 3-14). See also I Tim. 3:15-16.
God's purpose – Acts 17:27; Eph. 3:10-12.
He is the mediator of better things – Heb.12:24.
He came into the world to give us "all good things" (Ro. 1:7; He. 9:11-12).
"A name above all names" – Phil. 2:9.
"A better hope" – Heb 7:7, 19.
He came "to serve others, and to give his life as a ransom for many." (Mt. 20:28. See also Mt. 10:45).
"He came to seek and to save those…who are lost." (Lu. 19:10).
"…to preach Good News to the poor, to proclaim captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the downtrodden will be freed from their oppressors, and that the time of the Lord's favor has come." (Lu. 4:18).
To bring truth to the world (Jo. 18:37. Also see I Jo. 4:4-6).
"…this is the very reason why I came" into the world. (To go to the cross for our sins.) (Jo. 12:27).
Why Christ came into the world -- to destroy the works of the devil. I Jo. 3:8. Note also Heb.2:14. He broke the devil's power, and the power of sin (Heb. 9:26). See also Rom. 8:3.
Note also Isa. 53:10-12 & 61:1-2.
"…for the benefit of the church" – Eph. 1:22.
The new, life-giving way – Heb. 7:19, 22; 8:6; 10:20.
Christ made all things new – II Cor. 5:17; Heb. 10:20-23; Rev. 21:5-9.
Christ is everything we need to be right with God – Jo. 6:26-51.
In Christ lie all treasures… -- Col. 2:3.
Cling to Jesus – Jo. 20:16-18. See also Heb. 11:27.
Christ is "all that matters" – Col. 3:11.
"Today is the day of salvation" – II Cor. 6:1-2. See also Lu. 17:20-21.
For the prize of his "high calling" – Phil. 3:14.
The fullness of God – Eph. 3:19. When we find the secret wisdom of God (I Cor. 1:17-18, 2:4-16) that is all connected to his Good News (Gospel), his grace, we enter into his fullness. We accept that the old covenant of the Jewish law system, which was but a worldly sanctuary (Heb. 9:1-2), and a temporal tabernacle with external regulations (Heb. 9:23), was cancelled by Christ (Heb. 10:9).
In Christ and his priestly sacrifice you have entered the real Temple in heaven. You are really there in him! This is why Christ made such a vehement point of the destruction of the earthly temple in Jerusalem (Mt. 24:2). He did away with it, finished its limited usefulness forever, and made it completely obsolete! Thus it is an evil work that modern Judeo-Christian Zionists support now, for it goes completely against Christ and his finished work! Christians have no legitimate calling nor business supporting the Jewish aspirations and the erecting of another temple in Jerusalem to replace it, and "they must stop listening to Jewish myths and the commands of people who have turned their backs on the truth" (Titus 1:14, 15-16). For Christ abolished the old (II Cor. 3:11; Eph. 2:15; Heb. 8:13, 10:9), and replaced it with the far greater and more perfect new (Heb. 9:12). Anyone who disobeys God in this will fall (Heb. 4:11). For earthly Jerusalem is in bondage to Sinai (Gal. 4:24-25), and opposes Christ. We, as Christians, don't go around defending and supporting those who oppose Christ and refuse to believe in him! It is evil to do so, no matter for what strange mythological reason we may feel led to do so! But Jerusalem above is free (Gal. 4:26. Note also Heb. 12:22, 28), and it is these truths of the new covenant that set us free! It is in the new covenant where, by faith, we receive a kingdom which cannot be moved (See II Cor.3:6-18; Gal. 2:16-21, 3:8-29; Heb. 9:15, 10:9-20, 12:24). In all of these wonderful truths and new realities, the Christian is transformed into a new person. New life has begun (II Cor. 5:17; Gal. 3:21), as the Christian is made spiritually whole by the power of the Spirit and the Word.
In these matters the Apostle was most adamant! We are to remain in Christ and in his new covenant, and not return to the old. Only by so doing can we enter the real Temple in heaven. Christ and the apostles left us no room to go after the old things of the old Jewish law system that was an inferior, external, earthly system, under any delusion, assumption or pretext! His new covenant leads the way out of it, and that alone! By failing to obey Christ and follow it, the church is now in a position of gravest and most serious rebellion and error against Christ, his Word, and his Spirit which could easily bring all of western civilization down all around us. Just stop and look all around you. It has already begun!
The heavenly kingdom was good for America and all the world. The earthly one, in earthly Israel, is not at all a good thing for the world, because it violates God's real commands (see I Jo.23-24; II Jo. 9; Heb. 7:15,10:29. See also Mt. 15:8-9; Mk 7:7-9; Jo. 12:48-50; 15:9-11). We have seriously departed from Christ when we follow the Jewish law system, and support it, and we will never find the real Temple that is established on high in the heavenly realms (Heb. 8:1-2,5, 9:11, 23-24) by going that route. The way is blocked when we follow the wrong path!
The new covenant of Jesus Christ is forever. – II Cor. 3:5-17 (esp. v. 11). It is a better covenant (Heb. 8:6-13; 10:9-10), and it moves us forward into new life in Christ (II Cor. 5:17; Heb. 7:22), by faith (Heb. 11:6).
Christ's Kingdom is not of this world -- Jo. 18:36. It is not in Israel. And it never will be!
His heavenly kingdom he proclaimed as already being near, or at hand 2000 years ago nearly -- Mt. 4:17, Mark 1:15; Lu 4:16-21; Eph. 1:3, 20 & 2:6.
Our calling is heavenward -- (in the heavenly realms) Eph. 1:3. See also v. 20 and 2:6. Phil. 3:14, Col. 1:5, 3:1-4, Heb. 3:1 & 6:19.
The real Temple is in heaven – Heb. 8:5, 9:24.
We are called to his higher calling and purpose -- Ro. 8:28.
We (Christians) are the new people of God – Gal.6:16; Eph. 1:13, 23; Lu. 12:31-32; Jas. 1:17-18. See also Rom. 8:14, 20-30.
Christians are God's own holy people – I Cor. 1:2, 15:2; Gal. 6:16; Eph. 1:4, 14; Jas. 1:17-18. They are God's own true Israel.
We are foreigners and aliens here -- I Pet. 3:11.
God chose us out of the world – Jo. 17:14-18.
He rejected the notion of certain Jews of his day that he came to be a king over Israel (Jo. 6:15). It is still very displeasing to him today!
Today, an astonishing number of Christian people are hung up on the notion of an earthly theocratic kingdom in Israel. Yet, the sacred Scriptures clearly do not support it. They are very clear on the heavenly kingdom, instead, however. It is sad and surprising how easily some men can use pernicious and manipulative words to encourage otherwise intelligent people to buy into earthly oriented theories. It is most unfortunate that these matters which pertain to Christ's new covenant have not been more thoroughly addressed in much of theology. It has created a great void, and abyss for many to fall into. This book There Is A Kingdom addresses this issue. The author, Anita Whalley, knows most personally how difficult it can be to come back to the Scriptures only (sola Scriptura!) with total trust and discover the joy and wonder of Christ and his new covenant that offers so much more of all good things from the hand of a most loving and gracious Lord. She also knows the cessation of the difficulties when once she found Christ's new covenant and entered into it for herself at long last!
This book is available at and is must reading for any who long for God and for his real truths--Real good reading to brighten up a rainy summer, and a lifetime beyond, too!
SPIRITUAL THINGS*****************
Jo. 4:21; Ro. 7:6, 8:5-9, 23-24; I Cor. 2:14.
God is not the author of confusion – I Cor. 14:33.
Lacking spiritual discernment – Ro. 8:5-9; I Cor. 2:14.
Spiritual blindness – Jo. 9:35-41, 15:22.
The old (law) and the new way of the Spirit – Ro. 7:6; Gal. 5:1.
The Holy Spirit – Jo. 16:17; Ro.6:8-18, 8:12.
These are the Gospel truths that make us free! – Jo. 8:32,36.
The word of God is full of living power – Heb. 4:12.
Winds of doctrines – Eph 4:14. Strong delusion – II Th. 2:7-12
The devil's trap; following heresies –Ro. 16:17; Col. 2:4; II Jo. 10-11; III Jo. 11;
Woe..who call evil good, etc. – Isa. 5:20. See also I Pet. 2:16; III Jo. 11.
Rebuilding things torn down (destroyed) – Gal. 2:18-21.
Grieving God's Spirit – Eph. 4:30. Note also Heb. 10:28-29.
Fallen from grace – (Gal. 5:3-4), and frustrating God's grace (Gal. 2:21). We are still under sin's curse when we ignore the new covenant and cling to the old Jewish law system – Gal. 3:10-13. We forfeit God's richest blessings in supporting the way of the old system. But we gain a new sense of spiritual wholeness and wellness in the God-centeredness found in the new covenant!
Christians are supposed to serve God, not men – Mt. 4:10. Today, Christians are serving unbelieving Judaism in Israel. They believe that such darkness and evil are light and good (Isa. 5:20; I Pet. 2:16), because they believe in unbelieving Israel as God's kingdom instead of, or over heaven. They have failed to discern the spirits of error and of apostasy. Indeed, it is an extremely serious shortfall in modern Christendom! How can we even claim to be Christian when we don't hold Christ's words about his real reason for coming to earth to be even equal to those of men today, let alone actually of higher and greater authority? (See the above – Christ's real reason for coming to earth, in his very own words. Hint – It wasn't to establish any earthly kingdom in Israel that supposedly had to be "postponed". Yet America currently sends Israel over $7,000,000.00 a day to support everything Israel believes in, and wants and does!)
Is it really any wonder why we are in such serious trouble today? The church has inadvertently taken the broad path of destruction (Mt. 7:13-14) by failing to heed the entire content and warnings of sacred Scripture. It has been deceived and led astray (I Jo.2:26), and doesn't seem to care!
No favorites with God, re. race or peoples, such as the Jews – Acts 10:34-35.
Believing Jews and Gentiles are now joined together in his church – Eph. 3:10. The rest are lost –I Jo. 5:12.
Israel -- conditional nature of God's covenant with Israel – Jer. 13, Gen. 17:1, 9-14, 23-27, 18:19, 22:1-19, 26:5; Heb. 11:8, 17; Jas. 2:21-22.
Re. the LAND, all was fulfilled – Joshua 21:43-45, 23:14-16; I Ki. 8:56.
Worthless observances – Gal. 4:10; Col. 2:16-17.
It (the law system) was a "yoke of bondage" that the Jews could not bear (Acts 15:9-10; Gal. 5:1). All of these things are termed "useless', and "obsolete" (Heb. 8:6-8 & 13), "worthless" (Phil. 3:11), and thus "abolished" (II Cor. 3:11; Eph. 2:15; Phil. 3:7; Heb. 7:18-19, 8:13 & 10:9-10). Christ's new covenant replaced it forever. Compare all of this to the "yoke" of Christ – Mt. 11:28-30. It is his yoke that contains "good tidings of great joy…" – Lu. 2:10-11. See also Ro. 3:23 & 6:23, and Jo 3:16, etc.
"The old system in the law of Moses was only a shadow of the things to come, not the reality of the good things Christ has done for us" (Heb. 10:1. See also 8:5). He cancels the first covenant in order to establish the second (A better covenant-Heb. 8:6-13). And what God wants is for us to be made holy by the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all time" (10:9-10). "This is the new, life-giving way that Christ has opened up for us through the sacred curtain, by means of his death for us" (v. 20). So, v. 22, "Let us go right into the presence of God with true hearts fully trusting him."
Christ already made it possible to be in his presence (Heb. 10:21-22). So why on earth would anyone need to call back up the cancelled old covenant and Jewish law system to regain what we already have in Christ? As the truth starts to set in, and our minds start to clear and the light of Christ starts to more fully shine in, we begin to recognize the great scope of the deceit that has been perpetrated on the visible church.
The current misrepresentation of Christ's reason for coming here, to establish a glorious earthly kingdom in Israel is false, and a great offense to God. The Scriptures are very clear re. Christ's real reason for coming to earth. We just need to apply ourselves to his Word of truth and start dealing with what Christ actually gave to us by his coming here. For only by doing this can we ever hope to gain a fuller understanding that gets us on our way heaven bound and heavenward, for the world is passing away (I Jo. 2:17). We finally recognize how we have been robbed of our great inheritance in Christ. He provided this for us, and it is not the right thing to do, to shun this wonderful gift and claim the Scriptures are saying something entirely different. Instead we ought to be continuing in this teaching of Christ, so that we will "have fellowship with both the Father and the Son"(II Jo. 9). No wonder many Christians are so weak today, as they have gone wandering back to Jewish myths and have not seen that the old covenant and Jewish law system is abolished by Christ, nevermore to rise again. For only eternal things remain (Heb. 12:26-27).
Whatsoever things are of good report and beauty, whatever "is true and honorable and right" we are to think on these things! Whatever is "pure, and lovely and admirable, excellent, and worthy of praise", these are the things that we American Christians are supposed to support and think upon (Phil. 4:8)! We have no business whatsoever thinking of and supporting evil rebellion and unbelief against God in Israel. But we do have a most serious business with God and his truths and with our own precious Constitution and all of the other documents of freedom! For without these beautiful things, another time of the dark ages looms dead ahead of us! Time to get busy and be about the Lord's business, America! Can't you understand? Time is no longer on your side!
These are the true foundations of the Christian faith (Ps. 11:3) that have been eroded away by judaistic-centered fables and inventions of the day, thus making the Gospel a weak shadow of what it should be. Henry Haley, in his Bible Handbook, rightly called it apostasy. The idea of a glorious earthly kingdom did not originate with Christ, as the above reveals, for he never came here to establish such a thing at all! These clear Scripture passages above ought to be what defines all the rest of Scripture, instead of the reverse order of things as they are today. Because it is really evil to accept evil and to support it, no matter what the rationale! We are not free to "follow a multitude to do evil" (Exodus 23:2), so isn't it really about time that today's professing Christians start caring enough to do some serious and honest work with God and his holy Word and finally seek to get it right? If not, why not???? And pray tell, how on earth can Christians truly "Occupy" (Luke 19:13) without it? Or without our Constitution which makes it possible to serve Christ? Both are under attack today, even while you rest and take your ease! Yet your allegiance ought not to be to unbelieving Israel, but to God and to our own once Christ honoring country!
"You are not slaves; you are free. But your freedom is not an excuse to do evil. You are free to live as God's slaves" (I Pet.2:16).
"Isaiah had spoken of John when he said, 'He is a voice shouting in the wilderness:"Prepare a pathway for the Lord's coming! Make a straight road for him! Fill in the valleys, and level the mountains and hills! Straighten the curves, and smooth out the rough places! And then all people will see the salvation sent from God"'" (Lu. 3:4-6 NLT).
How badly the church today needs to straighten out the pathway it is following and smooth over the rough places to fulfill its proper role in Christ's Great Commission and really lead a needy world to Christ and his kingdom instead of actually redirecting it back around to itself (or back into the world all over again.)!
Anita Whalley. There Is A Kingdom. (Ctrl + click). It is high time that this book really began to circulate out there! Do your part and order a copy or several today. It's high time to take an active part and support this good work today. And spread the word! Please! This information is one great way to start, and There Is A Kingdom will take you even further on the magnificent Christian journey that Christ makes available to any who follow his truths. It also includes George B. Fletcher's most excellent and thorough treatment of the fabled two-stage second coming theory, in which the first stage is declared by moderns to be the secret rapture of the church!
I know this is the first time that all this information has come to many of you. For others it is not the first time at all, and massive indifference has won out once again! Surely there are some out there who will follow the call and take a stand for what is right! The battle is everywhere today, and so we must work in every direction to defend what's true! Basic knowledge in the right places is a very big help. This book gives one that basic knowledge so that we don't need to be helpless any longer and cave in to falsehoods. A little preparation saves the day, but apathy digs many graves (see Heb. 6:12)!
The time is now to defend Christ's new covenant out there. If we Christians don't do it, who will? We have the necessary tools available, so, come on, let's do it Christians!
"When a man's ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right. A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps" (Prov. 16:7-9).
To all of you who faithfully follow Christ's call to defend the real truth, I am most grateful, and I salute you as my fellow laborers in Christ! It is good when we Christians can stand up together for Jesus, as well as for America!
Special note – This is an expanded version of the same material that some of you received earlier. I simply felt that a little more information would likely be most helpful to those who were interested in the truth and desired a little more than the most basic information that it contained. Perhaps in all of your travels you can put either one to good use. Please feel entirely free to do so, and God bless you in all of your faithful endeavors for God and country. --A. Whalley.
Enclosed you will find one of the most important lists of Scripture references you have ever seen in your life. It supports the new covenant of our Savior and Lord Jesus. It also negates "Judeo-Christian Zionism", premillenialism, dispensationalism, and all other earthly kingdom fables, heresies, and mentalities! It is most essential and critical information for anyone concerned over what has gone wrong in Christianity today, and the neutralizing factors at work to sabotage it and to take it over for unchristian interests nationwide and worldwide. Please feel free to use it to the greatest advantage wherever you can to show others his great way and light.
Essentially, modern Christianity has been hijacked by nefarious earthly interests whose goal it is to destroy it and to destroy American freedom, all at the same time! It is well along the way to completion! But it can be stopped cold if enough people are alerted and take real action today. There is no time to lose, and time is short!
Come on, Christian soldiers and do your part to fulfill your obligations to Christ and to our beloved America! It is a very sad day when Christ's new covenant needs to be so defended. It was not so 250 years ago. How far we have slipped into apostasy today! We squander our greatness, our integrity, our future, and our valuable resources of treasure and human lives to support depraved myths and fables. Yet how straight and true is Christ's new covenant that establishes our feet upon his higher course. It is his new testament credential of highest and unequalled excellence that brings us all of his far better things, in this world and in the next. It should be self-evident where we need to take our stand today, but to many it is not.
"Start by doing what's necessary, then do what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible." --Francis of Assisi.
"Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is therefore good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men" (Mt. 5:13).
Quick Breakthrough Scripture References, etc.
The One True Gospel – Our Only Foundation (I Cor. 3:10-15 The Straight and Narrow Way (Mt. 7:14)
****ezine – Has your Darkness Really disappeared?*****
Darkness and Light
"The darkness is disappearing and the true light is already shining." I Jo. 1:5-7, 2:8. See also Acts 26:18; Mt. 4:16).
Christ is the light of the world – Jo. 1:9, 3:20-21, 8:12, 12:46. See also Is. 9:2.
God's secret plan centered in Christ – Eph. 1:9 (vv. 3-14). See also I Tim. 3:15-16.
God's purpose – Acts 17:27; Eph. 3:10-12.
He is the mediator of better things – Heb.12:24.
He came into the world to give us "all good things" (Ro. 1:7; He. 9:11-12).
"A name above all names" – Phil. 2:9.
"A better hope" – Heb 7:7, 19.
He came "to serve others, and to give his life as a ransom for many." (Mt. 20:28. See also Mt. 10:45).
"He came to seek and to save those…who are lost." (Lu. 19:10).
"…to preach Good News to the poor, to proclaim captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the downtrodden will be freed from their oppressors, and that the time of the Lord's favor has come." (Lu. 4:18).
To bring truth to the world (Jo. 18:37. Also see I Jo. 4:4-6).
"…this is the very reason why I came" into the world. (To go to the cross for our sins.) (Jo. 12:27).
Why Christ came into the world -- to destroy the works of the devil. I Jo. 3:8. Note also Heb.2:14. He broke the devil's power, and the power of sin (Heb. 9:26). See also Rom. 8:3.
Note also Isa. 53:10-12 & 61:1-2.
"…for the benefit of the church" – Eph. 1:22.
The new, life-giving way – Heb. 7:19, 22; 8:6; 10:20.
Christ made all things new – II Cor. 5:17; Heb. 10:20-23; Rev. 21:5-9.
Christ is everything we need to be right with God – Jo. 6:26-51.
In Christ lie all treasures… -- Col. 2:3.
Cling to Jesus – Jo. 20:16-18. See also Heb. 11:27.
Christ is "all that matters" – Col. 3:11.
"Today is the day of salvation" – II Cor. 6:1-2. See also Lu. 17:20-21.
For the prize of his "high calling" – Phil. 3:14.
The fullness of God – Eph. 3:19. When we find the secret wisdom of God (I Cor. 1:17-18, 2:4-16) that is all connected to his Good News (Gospel), his grace, we enter into his fullness. We accept that the old covenant of the Jewish law system, which was but a worldly sanctuary (Heb. 9:1-2), and a temporal tabernacle with external regulations (Heb. 9:23), was cancelled by Christ (Heb. 10:9).
In Christ and his priestly sacrifice you have entered the real Temple in heaven. You are really there in him! This is why Christ made such a vehement point of the destruction of the earthly temple in Jerusalem (Mt. 24:2). He did away with it, finished its limited usefulness forever, and made it completely obsolete! Thus it is an evil work that modern Judeo-Christian Zionists support now, for it goes completely against Christ and his finished work! Christians have no legitimate calling nor business supporting the Jewish aspirations and the erecting of another temple in Jerusalem to replace it, and "they must stop listening to Jewish myths and the commands of people who have turned their backs on the truth" (Titus 1:14, 15-16). For Christ abolished the old (II Cor. 3:11; Eph. 2:15; Heb. 8:13, 10:9), and replaced it with the far greater and more perfect new (Heb. 9:12). Anyone who disobeys God in this will fall (Heb. 4:11). For earthly Jerusalem is in bondage to Sinai (Gal. 4:24-25), and opposes Christ. We, as Christians, don't go around defending and supporting those who oppose Christ and refuse to believe in him! It is evil to do so, no matter for what strange mythological reason we may feel led to do so! But Jerusalem above is free (Gal. 4:26. Note also Heb. 12:22, 28), and it is these truths of the new covenant that set us free! It is in the new covenant where, by faith, we receive a kingdom which cannot be moved (See II Cor.3:6-18; Gal. 2:16-21, 3:8-29; Heb. 9:15, 10:9-20, 12:24). In all of these wonderful truths and new realities, the Christian is transformed into a new person. New life has begun (II Cor. 5:17; Gal. 3:21), as the Christian is made spiritually whole by the power of the Spirit and the Word.
In these matters the Apostle was most adamant! We are to remain in Christ and in his new covenant, and not return to the old. Only by so doing can we enter the real Temple in heaven. Christ and the apostles left us no room to go after the old things of the old Jewish law system that was an inferior, external, earthly system, under any delusion, assumption or pretext! His new covenant leads the way out of it, and that alone! By failing to obey Christ and follow it, the church is now in a position of gravest and most serious rebellion and error against Christ, his Word, and his Spirit which could easily bring all of western civilization down all around us. Just stop and look all around you. It has already begun!
The heavenly kingdom was good for America and all the world. The earthly one, in earthly Israel, is not at all a good thing for the world, because it violates God's real commands (see I Jo.23-24; II Jo. 9; Heb. 7:15,10:29. See also Mt. 15:8-9; Mk 7:7-9; Jo. 12:48-50; 15:9-11). We have seriously departed from Christ when we follow the Jewish law system, and support it, and we will never find the real Temple that is established on high in the heavenly realms (Heb. 8:1-2,5, 9:11, 23-24) by going that route. The way is blocked when we follow the wrong path!
The new covenant of Jesus Christ is forever. – II Cor. 3:5-17 (esp. v. 11). It is a better covenant (Heb. 8:6-13; 10:9-10), and it moves us forward into new life in Christ (II Cor. 5:17; Heb. 7:22), by faith (Heb. 11:6).
Christ's Kingdom is not of this world -- Jo. 18:36. It is not in Israel. And it never will be!
His heavenly kingdom he proclaimed as already being near, or at hand 2000 years ago nearly -- Mt. 4:17, Mark 1:15; Lu 4:16-21; Eph. 1:3, 20 & 2:6.
Our calling is heavenward -- (in the heavenly realms) Eph. 1:3. See also v. 20 and 2:6. Phil. 3:14, Col. 1:5, 3:1-4, Heb. 3:1 & 6:19.
The real Temple is in heaven – Heb. 8:5, 9:24.
We are called to his higher calling and purpose -- Ro. 8:28.
We (Christians) are the new people of God – Gal.6:16; Eph. 1:13, 23; Lu. 12:31-32; Jas. 1:17-18. See also Rom. 8:14, 20-30.
Christians are God's own holy people – I Cor. 1:2, 15:2; Gal. 6:16; Eph. 1:4, 14; Jas. 1:17-18. They are God's own true Israel.
We are foreigners and aliens here -- I Pet. 3:11.
God chose us out of the world – Jo. 17:14-18.
He rejected the notion of certain Jews of his day that he came to be a king over Israel (Jo. 6:15). It is still very displeasing to him today!
Today, an astonishing number of Christian people are hung up on the notion of an earthly theocratic kingdom in Israel. Yet, the sacred Scriptures clearly do not support it. They are very clear on the heavenly kingdom, instead, however. It is sad and surprising how easily some men can use pernicious and manipulative words to encourage otherwise intelligent people to buy into earthly oriented theories. It is most unfortunate that these matters which pertain to Christ's new covenant have not been more thoroughly addressed in much of theology. It has created a great void, and abyss for many to fall into. This book There Is A Kingdom addresses this issue. The author, Anita Whalley, knows most personally how difficult it can be to come back to the Scriptures only (sola Scriptura!) with total trust and discover the joy and wonder of Christ and his new covenant that offers so much more of all good things from the hand of a most loving and gracious Lord. She also knows the cessation of the difficulties when once she found Christ's new covenant and entered into it for herself at long last!
This book is available at and is must reading for any who long for God and for his real truths--Real good reading to brighten up a rainy summer, and a lifetime beyond, too!
SPIRITUAL THINGS*****************
Jo. 4:21; Ro. 7:6, 8:5-9, 23-24; I Cor. 2:14.
God is not the author of confusion – I Cor. 14:33.
Lacking spiritual discernment – Ro. 8:5-9; I Cor. 2:14.
Spiritual blindness – Jo. 9:35-41, 15:22.
The old (law) and the new way of the Spirit – Ro. 7:6; Gal. 5:1.
The Holy Spirit – Jo. 16:17; Ro.6:8-18, 8:12.
These are the Gospel truths that make us free! – Jo. 8:32,36.
The word of God is full of living power – Heb. 4:12.
Winds of doctrines – Eph 4:14. Strong delusion – II Th. 2:7-12
The devil's trap; following heresies –Ro. 16:17; Col. 2:4; II Jo. 10-11; III Jo. 11;
Woe..who call evil good, etc. – Isa. 5:20. See also I Pet. 2:16; III Jo. 11.
Rebuilding things torn down (destroyed) – Gal. 2:18-21.
Grieving God's Spirit – Eph. 4:30. Note also Heb. 10:28-29.
Fallen from grace – (Gal. 5:3-4), and frustrating God's grace (Gal. 2:21). We are still under sin's curse when we ignore the new covenant and cling to the old Jewish law system – Gal. 3:10-13. We forfeit God's richest blessings in supporting the way of the old system. But we gain a new sense of spiritual wholeness and wellness in the God-centeredness found in the new covenant!
Christians are supposed to serve God, not men – Mt. 4:10. Today, Christians are serving unbelieving Judaism in Israel. They believe that such darkness and evil are light and good (Isa. 5:20; I Pet. 2:16), because they believe in unbelieving Israel as God's kingdom instead of, or over heaven. They have failed to discern the spirits of error and of apostasy. Indeed, it is an extremely serious shortfall in modern Christendom! How can we even claim to be Christian when we don't hold Christ's words about his real reason for coming to earth to be even equal to those of men today, let alone actually of higher and greater authority? (See the above – Christ's real reason for coming to earth, in his very own words. Hint – It wasn't to establish any earthly kingdom in Israel that supposedly had to be "postponed". Yet America currently sends Israel over $7,000,000.00 a day to support everything Israel believes in, and wants and does!)
Is it really any wonder why we are in such serious trouble today? The church has inadvertently taken the broad path of destruction (Mt. 7:13-14) by failing to heed the entire content and warnings of sacred Scripture. It has been deceived and led astray (I Jo.2:26), and doesn't seem to care!
No favorites with God, re. race or peoples, such as the Jews – Acts 10:34-35.
Believing Jews and Gentiles are now joined together in his church – Eph. 3:10. The rest are lost –I Jo. 5:12.
Israel -- conditional nature of God's covenant with Israel – Jer. 13, Gen. 17:1, 9-14, 23-27, 18:19, 22:1-19, 26:5; Heb. 11:8, 17; Jas. 2:21-22.
Re. the LAND, all was fulfilled – Joshua 21:43-45, 23:14-16; I Ki. 8:56.
Worthless observances – Gal. 4:10; Col. 2:16-17.
It (the law system) was a "yoke of bondage" that the Jews could not bear (Acts 15:9-10; Gal. 5:1). All of these things are termed "useless', and "obsolete" (Heb. 8:6-8 & 13), "worthless" (Phil. 3:11), and thus "abolished" (II Cor. 3:11; Eph. 2:15; Phil. 3:7; Heb. 7:18-19, 8:13 & 10:9-10). Christ's new covenant replaced it forever. Compare all of this to the "yoke" of Christ – Mt. 11:28-30. It is his yoke that contains "good tidings of great joy…" – Lu. 2:10-11. See also Ro. 3:23 & 6:23, and Jo 3:16, etc.
"The old system in the law of Moses was only a shadow of the things to come, not the reality of the good things Christ has done for us" (Heb. 10:1. See also 8:5). He cancels the first covenant in order to establish the second (A better covenant-Heb. 8:6-13). And what God wants is for us to be made holy by the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all time" (10:9-10). "This is the new, life-giving way that Christ has opened up for us through the sacred curtain, by means of his death for us" (v. 20). So, v. 22, "Let us go right into the presence of God with true hearts fully trusting him."
Christ already made it possible to be in his presence (Heb. 10:21-22). So why on earth would anyone need to call back up the cancelled old covenant and Jewish law system to regain what we already have in Christ? As the truth starts to set in, and our minds start to clear and the light of Christ starts to more fully shine in, we begin to recognize the great scope of the deceit that has been perpetrated on the visible church.
The current misrepresentation of Christ's reason for coming here, to establish a glorious earthly kingdom in Israel is false, and a great offense to God. The Scriptures are very clear re. Christ's real reason for coming to earth. We just need to apply ourselves to his Word of truth and start dealing with what Christ actually gave to us by his coming here. For only by doing this can we ever hope to gain a fuller understanding that gets us on our way heaven bound and heavenward, for the world is passing away (I Jo. 2:17). We finally recognize how we have been robbed of our great inheritance in Christ. He provided this for us, and it is not the right thing to do, to shun this wonderful gift and claim the Scriptures are saying something entirely different. Instead we ought to be continuing in this teaching of Christ, so that we will "have fellowship with both the Father and the Son"(II Jo. 9). No wonder many Christians are so weak today, as they have gone wandering back to Jewish myths and have not seen that the old covenant and Jewish law system is abolished by Christ, nevermore to rise again. For only eternal things remain (Heb. 12:26-27).
Whatsoever things are of good report and beauty, whatever "is true and honorable and right" we are to think on these things! Whatever is "pure, and lovely and admirable, excellent, and worthy of praise", these are the things that we American Christians are supposed to support and think upon (Phil. 4:8)! We have no business whatsoever thinking of and supporting evil rebellion and unbelief against God in Israel. But we do have a most serious business with God and his truths and with our own precious Constitution and all of the other documents of freedom! For without these beautiful things, another time of the dark ages looms dead ahead of us! Time to get busy and be about the Lord's business, America! Can't you understand? Time is no longer on your side!
These are the true foundations of the Christian faith (Ps. 11:3) that have been eroded away by judaistic-centered fables and inventions of the day, thus making the Gospel a weak shadow of what it should be. Henry Haley, in his Bible Handbook, rightly called it apostasy. The idea of a glorious earthly kingdom did not originate with Christ, as the above reveals, for he never came here to establish such a thing at all! These clear Scripture passages above ought to be what defines all the rest of Scripture, instead of the reverse order of things as they are today. Because it is really evil to accept evil and to support it, no matter what the rationale! We are not free to "follow a multitude to do evil" (Exodus 23:2), so isn't it really about time that today's professing Christians start caring enough to do some serious and honest work with God and his holy Word and finally seek to get it right? If not, why not???? And pray tell, how on earth can Christians truly "Occupy" (Luke 19:13) without it? Or without our Constitution which makes it possible to serve Christ? Both are under attack today, even while you rest and take your ease! Yet your allegiance ought not to be to unbelieving Israel, but to God and to our own once Christ honoring country!
"You are not slaves; you are free. But your freedom is not an excuse to do evil. You are free to live as God's slaves" (I Pet.2:16).
"Isaiah had spoken of John when he said, 'He is a voice shouting in the wilderness:"Prepare a pathway for the Lord's coming! Make a straight road for him! Fill in the valleys, and level the mountains and hills! Straighten the curves, and smooth out the rough places! And then all people will see the salvation sent from God"'" (Lu. 3:4-6 NLT).
How badly the church today needs to straighten out the pathway it is following and smooth over the rough places to fulfill its proper role in Christ's Great Commission and really lead a needy world to Christ and his kingdom instead of actually redirecting it back around to itself (or back into the world all over again.)!
Anita Whalley. There Is A Kingdom. (Ctrl + click). It is high time that this book really began to circulate out there! Do your part and order a copy or several today. It's high time to take an active part and support this good work today. And spread the word! Please! This information is one great way to start, and There Is A Kingdom will take you even further on the magnificent Christian journey that Christ makes available to any who follow his truths. It also includes George B. Fletcher's most excellent and thorough treatment of the fabled two-stage second coming theory, in which the first stage is declared by moderns to be the secret rapture of the church!
I know this is the first time that all this information has come to many of you. For others it is not the first time at all, and massive indifference has won out once again! Surely there are some out there who will follow the call and take a stand for what is right! The battle is everywhere today, and so we must work in every direction to defend what's true! Basic knowledge in the right places is a very big help. This book gives one that basic knowledge so that we don't need to be helpless any longer and cave in to falsehoods. A little preparation saves the day, but apathy digs many graves (see Heb. 6:12)!
The time is now to defend Christ's new covenant out there. If we Christians don't do it, who will? We have the necessary tools available, so, come on, let's do it Christians!
"When a man's ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right. A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps" (Prov. 16:7-9).
To all of you who faithfully follow Christ's call to defend the real truth, I am most grateful, and I salute you as my fellow laborers in Christ! It is good when we Christians can stand up together for Jesus, as well as for America!
Special note – This is an expanded version of the same material that some of you received earlier. I simply felt that a little more information would likely be most helpful to those who were interested in the truth and desired a little more than the most basic information that it contained. Perhaps in all of your travels you can put either one to good use. Please feel entirely free to do so, and God bless you in all of your faithful endeavors for God and country. --A. Whalley.
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