Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Living Faith
We see in our nation today so much of an all-inclusivism that does not care to address the content of religious practice. Instead we have reached the dreaded point of a preference of ignorance pertaining to beliefs. It doesn’t matter about the power of false ideas, just as long as one believes in something--anything, really, no matter what, just as long as it is currently non-violent. So an important question must be asked. That is, where is truth in all of this exercise in this all-inclusive dogma that supports just about anything under the sun? Alongside of that one must also ask just how helpful to the individual who is earnestly longing for God’s real truth all of this modern falling away really is! Of what benefit is actual truth when all that modern man seems to want to do is to ignore it and to demean it to a point of irrelevance and bury it in a multitude of new age and new world trivia to prevent it from troubling all of those who would indeed prefer to see God finally dead after all.
Along the dusty, winding trail to this dark point in time, the church has, it now appears, desired to remain aloof from the most powerful and uplifting elements in the faith of Christ. Outside of naming his name as the Savior sent to us from God, it has become apparent that the key to religious practice must generally remain aloof from any in-depth application to Christ’s new covenant. Thus has the stage been set for the return to the darkness from which Christ came to set mankind free.
Instrumental to our arriving at such a low point in history has been the practice of dead ritual alongside of false doctrines in far too many cases. Dead ritual in churches is a pernicious disease that feeds the church like an epidemic when the church chooses another way to God that eschews any intimate relationship with Him. It is the choice of those who choose to come upward in another way, in fact any other convenient way, except the one true way prescribed in sacred Scripture! It feeds upon stage settings and showmanship. It indulges itself in endless works of ritual in many different forms, but that adheres to empty religious practice and human exercises so reminiscent of the scribes and Pharisees of Jesus’ day.
As this has run its complete course, it appears, today, after years of attacks upon the Word and its wonderful liberating truths, we now have arrived at the point wherein we start to notice and even feel our awful spiritual emptiness and deficiency. So in order to feed our hunger we must inject something, even anything, into our empty religion of the day. And so, what else could we possibly care to choose but more empty rituals! And so, in the forms of such observances as the Jewish feast of tabernacles and the Passover observance we strive to find and claim the blessing that eludes us from God today. This is the place of modern fundamentalistic evangelical Christianity today. The most recent claim is that these are God’s feast days and observances, and are not actually a part of the Jewish law system. And yet they did make up a great and significant part of Jewish practice, and still do today. If they are not a part of this, but are of God entirely instead, then God would show his one true light through them. If they were indeed of God and his new covenant, a statement of exception would be forthcoming from the Word, at such places as Col. 2:16. They would be recommended far more than Christ’s new covenant agenda for the church. Instead, however, the New Testament Scriptures at such places as Heb.7:18 and 8:13, Phil. 7:11, and II Co. 3:11 clearly show us the futility and worthlessness of such empty activities. What the modern church hopes to gain from such dark endeavors is what they have indeed been missing out on in their empty and lifeless ritualistic gathering themselves together to usher in the new age of Zionism. In spite of all of the empty claims and rhetoric to further the cause of Christ, they have chosen to ignore the valuable insights of the new, and have now chosen to revert back to the old. And so they prove themselves continually that they themselves are of the devil’s works of darkness.
The power to release the captives (Lu. 4:18) and set them free (Gal. 4:24-25) is not taken into account, while they seek to enslave the church (Gal. 2:4-5) and reestablish it brick by brick upon that “unbearable yoke” (Acts 15:9-10) that the apostle Luke discouraged so vehemently in the infant church. The old way that led to death (II Co. 3:6-9 and Tim. 1:4-7) is what much of the church is all about today! Minds have become closed (Eph. 4:17-18) and so have they regressed back to “the weak and beggarly elements” (Gal. 4:8-10). In claiming not to be works-oriented in their concept of salvation, they become ever more so. Again, they have reverted back to that other foundation that is based on mere human reasoning and logic (Gal. 1:11-12). This is far outside of the realm of grace, but takes them right back into the works of the law and human effort (See Gal. 2:16-21 and 3:1-3). So much of empty religious ritual has taken its toll, and empty religion outside of the actual and true faith of Christ as revealed in his new covenant have masterfully set the stage for the new world order and Zionism’s overcoming of Christianity. (Take a closer look at the back of your dollar bill if you still doubt this!) This is the real program of antichrist--to finish off God’s grace in Jesus Christ. This is Satan’s shining hour--his crowning achievement that paves the way for ever increasing darkness and despair. This is the great fulfillment of empty established religious practice absent God’s real truths.
What has supposed to have been the Good News of God’s grace or unmerited favor (Gal. 2:4-5) in the age now come (Heb. 6:5) has failed to make its mark today as it should have. One primary reason for this is the church’s failure to give due honor to the new covenant. Everything else, it seems, is far more important than paying heed to what should matter the most!
Some today in the church still mention the word “revival”, hoping that somehow it will just materialize out of thin air. This is just merely another part of the modern church’s folly and hypocrisy. There is really only one way for the church today to prove its calling and election in Christ. It must address its own grave shortcomings and indifference to the true will of God on the earth, and become willing to learn and accept the things that matter most that have been eluding it for so long. I think that, should such a thing as this happen, then real revival will come to the world without any other kind of human endeavor and effort whatsoever! The actual power of the Holy Spirit will become manifested as the real truth of the Word appears. Without this, this world will continue into an ever deepening downward spiral into hell!
To learn much more valuable information on this important subject that should rightly matter to every Christian, go to and look up There Is A Kingdom by Anita Whalley in the inspirational books section. This is a great Christian book that is bound to take one into God’s larger place of miracles and heavenly breakthroughs, and bring dead-end “Christianity” to end forevermore.