In Him Is Depth of Riches Untold
In my last installment, dated July 26, 2008, I was led to a discussion of God’s Wondrous Mystique. His mystique, or air of mystery and reverence, I do hope is still around out there somewhere today. Perhaps it still is, in some of the less progressive older Protestant denominations who still cling to such things as the Westminster Confession of Faith, and the Protestant Catechisms, which can still offer to the new kinds of churches in their need today a great amount of the wisdom of the ages from sacred Writ. I still see in these wonderful documents an open inroad into the deeper things of God (see I Co. 2:9-10). Today, however, many hold back from them in slavish fear, so afraid to shake up their more shallow, superficial take and understanding of the Scriptures. I know they don’t want to hear me say this, but it really is true! So many today pride themselves on so very little from the Lord, when so much more is so readily available at hand for want of serious desire. And so, today also, many are hurting and down-in-the-dumps because their hungering spirits have not found sufficient sustenance from on high.
The Scriptures are very emphatic on one thing, namely, that this is not a normal situation. For instead of dearth, the Scriptures, as God’s mouthpiece or council--indeed, his very Word of truth to us, offer us something far greater, and in great and massive abundance. So why are we in poverty still, anxiously awaiting something far greater and more glorious still than we seem to be able to lay hold of for today?
The sacred Word proclaims to us the depth of the riches to be found in Christ (Rom. 11:33). In Him is “joy unspeakable and full of glory” (I Pet. 1:8). We become his own special possession (Eph. 1:14) when we come to Him, if indeed we truly do come, and as children of our high King Jesus we ought to come into such wondrous things bestowed as on the children of highest royalty, on the children of light! So why don’t we?
This is a most serious question for us to ponder today, for it has a specific cause, just as all things do, and the effect is devastating. If there is a paradise, then where is it? Do we just need more supernatural help after we have prayed ourselves into a stupor, perhaps, or some such thing like this that defies our understanding? But one thing remains for us to consider still, and perhaps still again, if we would. We run ourselves ragged with endless rounds of churchgoing, but where are we still where it all counts in the end, in the inner man?
But one monumental thing remains untapped still! We have one other great and deep resource, and we can lay claim upon it at any and all hours, day and night, for want of a little desire and effort on our own part. So much of God’s Word has come under critical analysis of the wrong kind today, and for decades, and this has left us in ever greater desolation. The wise man discerns the problems, and takes appropriate action to correct the error, instead of piling just more and more error on top of it. The Holy Bible is called the Word of truth (II Tim. 2:15). And so, in all of the critical dissecting of it today, we must come back to this one cornerstone, recognizing our human frailty, and go deeper still to find that glorious fulfillment that He promises to all who love Him. To neglect what God has so freely and bounteously bestowed upon us is never an option. We must claim his resources so freely placed at our disposal if we would ever find the way into the glorious deliverance that He has already brought to us. And those resources are more powerful than is the enemy’s power to destroy!
You see, God has not hopelessly complicated the way. Each one of us can find it when we make a small effort out of our great love for Him who bought us with his own precious blood. He does not withhold his rich blessings to any of us who gladly sit at his feet and hear Him out, up close and personal! We have been provided the open door to his heavenly throne room, and we can come boldly there. His holy Word supplies the roadmap. It is contained in his new covenant of grace. It comprises his Gospel, the Good News. It is the Good News of happiness. And it is his miraculous gift for all who truly believe! In this is his great power to heal all of mankind’s present ills that so badly need fixing today.
Our politicians talk a lot about diplomacy today, but lack God’s gift. He is the greatest diplomat of all time! It is now up to real Christians to present Him in all of his love and majesty to a world trembling and about to teeter over the edge of oblivion. If the Christian is a true believer, then he must arise to the occasion now, and take God at his Word, for his talents and efforts are very badly needed. What answer will we give to God if we do not heed the call to spiritual arms and action? Seriously, we are missing the mark of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ (Phil. 3:14) if we continue down the road we have been traveling, little thinking of the importance and great significance of his new covenant. For it supplies that badly needed safety net that prevents us from slipping backward, as we see today, unfortunately.
Yes, backward! Backward we go into the beggarly elements in the Jewish law system of unbelief that Christ did away with completely almost 2000 years ago now. Your American taxpayer dollars in the tens of millions every day supply it with the energy to go to war against Christ, as we have picked our favored few among all the nations of the world today. As God does not do, so do we today! And the church today dreams on as the true Gospel is continually threatened! America desperately needs to wake up, before it is forever too late!
Wake up, sleepy Christian! Come alive for Christ! The hour is long spent, and you need to go to work for the Master, lest it is forever too late for you to do so!
Begin now to gain great light from on high. There Is A Kingdom provides an extremely helpful beginning. Anita Whalley wrote it so that this faltering civilization might have a chance to turn things back around to God, instead of helping build a human temple that sacrifices animals instead as the wave of the future. God already provided his everlasting sacrifice in Jesus, once and for all time, and brought all of that to a final end forever! It’s really time to start paying attention! It is time to stop doing wrong! It is time to get it all together in the right way prescribed in the holy Scriptures! NOW!
There Is A Kingdom. Author--Anita Whalley.
Available on Go to religious and inspirational books area. Purchase it at very low cost ($15.99), and after UPS delivers it start reading it, so that your eyes can be opened wide. Then get others to read it! Amen.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
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